Michigan Ski Resort Offering Free Lift Tickets For People Named 'Brad'

At Shanty Creek Resort in Michigan, Brad Day only comes once every four years.

The resort wrote on a post to Instagram, detailing the occasion, "Join us for the celebration of all-things-Brad this Thursday at Schuss Mountain, where all Brads ski and ride for FREE!"

The unofficial holiday happens on today's leap day. "February 29 only comes once every four years—some call it Leap Year, but at Shanty Creek, we call it Brad Day!"

Why is it called "Brad Day"? The reasons are unknown.

Officials at Shanty Creek write that "though the origin of Brad Day is cloaked in mystery, the perks for anyone named Brad are no secret."

On February 29, all Brads receive:
? Free Skiing (a free lift ticket and ski/snowboard rentals)
? $29 lodging (per person, double occupancy) the night before Brad Day and Brad Day night.
? Exclusive “Reserved for Brad” section in Ivan’s Restaurant
? Designated Brad-Only restrooms in the Day Lodge

Additionally, the mountain will be awarding prizes for the Brad who travels the farthest and the Brad who brings the most non-Brad friends.

The mountain is no stranger to frauds and scams, though, and if you thought you were going to pull a fast one by showing up and saying your name is Brad at the ticket window, think again.

"All Brads must provide ID at any of SCR’s Ticket Windows."

Bummer. Still a cool event though. BYOB: Bring Your Own Brad!

Related: Whistler Wakes Up To 50cm Snow, Alpine Lifts Closed

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