A Millennial Politician Dropped an "OK, Boomer" on Her Heckling Colleague

The rest of us can go home now — someone has employed "OK, boomer" in the most befitting way possible.

While giving a speech supporting a climate crisis bill, 25-year-old New Zealand lawmaker Chl?e Swarbrick was heckled by an older member of Parliament, and took the opportunity to drop an "OK, boomer" before swiftly moving right back to her speech.

According to CNN, Swarbick, a Green Party Member of Parliament, was speaking about the Zero Carbon Bill, which would set a target of zero carbon emissions for the country by 2050, when she was interrupted.

"Mr. Speaker, how many world leaders, for how many decades have seen and known what is coming but have decided that it is more politically expedient to keep it behind closed doors. My generation and the generations after me do not have that luxury," she said. "In the year 2050, I will be 56 years old. Yet, right now, the average age of this 52nd Parliament is 49 years old."

When she was interrupted, Swarbick didn't even miss a beat, retorting, "OK, boomer," before getting right back to her speech.

The Gen Z catchphrase has gone viral in recent months, catching on as a way to clap back at boomers’ anti-millennial/Gen Z sentiments.

RELATED: Why All of Gen Z Won't Stop Saying "OK, Boomer"

Which, in this case, was perfectly employed. The delivery? On-point. The shut-down in making a case for climate change? Unparalleled.