
Mom uses Halloween costumes to help 3-year-old embrace her arm amputation

Jennifer Machin

One of the best lessons any parent can teach their child is to embrace exactly who they are. It's especially important to instill this in them when they're little, so that they can grow up with a strong sense of self. One mom uses Halloween to do just that in the most amazing way. 

Simone Tipton, who resides with her family in Silverado, California, creates special Halloween costumes for her 3-year-old daughter, Scarlette.

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Scarlette was diagnosed with undifferentiated high grade spindle cell sarcoma, a type of tissue cancer, and as a result, her left arm was amputated when she was just 10 months old. So her mom has made it her mission to teach her daughter to embrace her uniqueness with the help of the festive holiday.

Image: Simone tipton

Image: Simone tipton

Tipton told Mashable, "We just want to make Halloween extra special for her. It’s my husband and I’s favorite holiday and she had her amputation the day before her first Halloween. She spent it intubated, on all kinds of pain meds, but she was a survivor! So now Halloween means something more to us."

Image: Simone Tipton

Image: Simone Tipton


Scarlette loves dressing up and uses her missing arm as acknowledgment that she's healthy. Her mom said, "She tells everyone that with two arms she’s sick, but with one arm she’s not. She loves that she has special costumes."

This Halloween eve marks the third year anniversary that Scarlette has been in remission. 

Image: simone tipton

For this mom, it's crucial that her daughter understands how important it is to accept and love yourself. "We just really want to root it in her soul that she’s amazing no matter what differences she has," she said.

Image: Simone Tipton

Amazing girl and an amazing mom. 

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