This Month's New Moon Is Begging You to Take Time for Yourself

Photo credit: Temi Oyelola
Photo credit: Temi Oyelola

From Oprah Magazine

For every month's new moon, our resident astrologer Chani Nicholas will break down how the start of the lunar cycle will affect us.

April 5th brings us a new moon in Aries, a sign known for its courage, drive, energy, and warrior ways. Aries has the confidence to blaze a new trail, and this new moon encourages us to do the same-where and when appropriate in our lives.

Turning winter into spring is no small thing, but for Aries, it’s all in a day’s work. The first new moon of the season wants us to follow suit. Take note of all that has been dormant in your life that is now reawakening-of what you are encouraged to emerge from, and of what you now feel inspired to do. When we pay even the slightest attention to the earth’s springtime bloom, we can’t help but want to meditate on our own.

The new moon in Aries also asks us to appreciate the sharpness of our instincts and reminds us to act upon them. Aries knows how to strike, and this new moon will remind us of the power of our agency and how to use it. This new moon will also remind us to reconnect to the raw sources of energy at the core of our beings-the place in us that gives no apology for who or what we are.

Here's what the new moon in Aries means for your...


You can use this new moon to re-focus your attention on your relationship to yourself.

All of life is interwoven. And every action that we take has an impact on our friends, families, and communities-so developing a deep and caring relationship with ourselves is always a step in the right direction toward developing a loving relationship with everyone else.

You can use this new moon to re-focus your attention on your relationship with yourself. Not in ways that make you become self-obsessed, but instead ways that help you become more self-aware, grounded, and connected to your inner being. In doing so, you’ll be much more aware of how and when to be there for others. The more connected you are to yourself, the less afraid you’ll be of showing up honestly in all your relationships. If this Aries new moon wants anything, it’s for everyone to be true to themselves.


The new moon in Aries is your invitation to move towards your professional dreams-daring you to try something new and challenging.

Only you know the professional desires that burn deep within you. Only you know what you have always wanted to do, experience, or become in this world. And only you can decide that your professional dreams are worth pursuing and putting your all into.

The new moon in Aries is your invitation to actively move towards your professional dreams, especially the ones that require you to risk being uncomfortable, demand that you be determined, and dare you to try something new and challenging. It takes a certain amount of bravado and confidence to do so-something Aries has in excess. So when in doubt this month, borrow a little spark from this confident, fiery new moon.

Because this new moon wants us to take on something substantial-something we'll feel proud of accomplishing-it asks a little extra from us. Doing what is equally exciting and difficult will give you the most satisfying results. The more sincere you are about what that means for you at this point in your professional life, the clearer and more direct you can be in your pursuit of your goals.


Aries is full up on flirtatious energy-the perfect excuse (if you need one!) to clear your closet of things that don’t make you feel confident or cute.

This sign is known for its bold and daring style. Aries is full up on flirtatious energy. This is the perfect excuse (if you need one!) to clear your closet of things that don’t make you feel confident or cute.

This month, ask yourself: When you look in the mirror, do you look good to you-or are you always trying to guess what others will find attractive? What would it take you to regularly wink at your own reflection? What kind of refresh does your style need?

The new moon in Aries encourages you to dress to catch your own eye, impress yourself, and find all the ways in which you can rework, renew, and redo your wardrobe to help you step up to your current style requirements. Try bold colors, patterns, and textures that make you feel vibrant and lively.

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