There are few things on reality television more delightfully insane than The Bachelor and The Bachelorette’s limo entrances, and with each season, the arrivals get more and deranged (proof: the person who brought a cow to meet Peter Weber). In case you’re new to Bachelor Nation, the show has a time-honored tradition of making their resident Bachelor or Bachelorette stand in front of Bachelor Mansion on a wet driveway to meet their contestants. And while most of these fine folk attempt to remain chill, about half of them inevitably stage some sort of stunt in the name of hijinks and attention.
Over the years, we’ve seen people dressed up as sloths, penguins, chickens, and terrifying dolphin/shark hybrids. Contestants have made their debuts atop horses, camels, and even the occasional ox. And then there are the props. So! Many! Props! From tiny wieners, to fake baby bumps, to literal hearts (hi @ Reegan the Professional Human Tissue Seller), Bachelor Nation has seen some weird sh*t. Truly, it’s amazing that any of these prospective partners made it past night one—and some of them didn’t for obvious reasons relating to insanity! An-y-whoooo, here are the most iconic Bachelor and Bachelorette entrances in recent memory. Sorry in advance for what your eyeballs are about to witness.
Shout-out to the girl who rolled in with a 12-pack of condoms. You’re a real one.