
NAMI continues to speak

Athens Daily Review, Texas
1 min read

Mar. 29—The Rotary Club of Cedar Creek Lake extended an invitation to National Alliance on Mental Illness Greater Athens TX Affiliate Leader Ginger Morton and Advocacy Chair Jennifer Browning to speak about the struggles of those afflicted with mental illness, the effect on their families, and the opportunity for hope.

Not only did Browning and Morton share personal stories, but the Rotarians also had a few stories to share about how their lives have been affected by mental illness, including a recent family member's suicide.

These two ladies continue to carry the message of hope to break the stigma behind mental illness and what it looks like. Each group they speak with can relate in some way and if you would like to book them to speak at your next meeting or have questions about how NAMI can help, contact 903-681-4470.
