NBC News reporter interrupted by her kid live on air — and the internet is loving it

Journalist Courtney Kube was breaking news live on MSNBC when an unexpected visitor came crashing through the broadcast: her 4-year-old son. Now, a clip of the interruption is going viral online, with people loving the “unexpected invasion in the studio by a cute invader,” as one Twitter user put it.

Kube, who covers national security and the pentagon for NBC, was reporting on the Turkish incursion on Syria from the NBC Washington studio when her grinning 4-year-old son crept up from behind and reached for his mother on camera. Kube skillfully continued reporting with a smile on her face, moving her son away from the shot.

“Excuse me, my kids are here ... Live television,” Kube said laughing before the screen cut to a graphic. When the camera turned back to Kube, she continued with the broadcast composed and unfazed.

According to NBC, the interloper and his twin brother were both in the studio that morning after Kube was unable to drop them off at preschool. So, she took the boys with her to work instead.

"Breaking news in Syria didn’t line up with preschool drop-off, so he and his twin brother were with me," Kube told NBC News.

The incident resembles a previous live BBC news segment in which a guest was hilariously interrupted by his young children. Professor Robert E. Kelly was explaining the removal of South Korea President Park Geun-Hye when his young daughter hilariously marched into his office, followed by his infant child in a baby bouncer.

Despite the on-air blunder, people online are praising MSNBC and Kube for broadcasting a relatable moment in the life of a working mom. The viral video has already garnered over 17,000 likes on Twitter.

“[Courtney Kube] showing the world how #workingmoms make it happen!” NBC legal contributor Katie Phang tweeted.

Other working moms who empathized with Kube shared similar experiences with their own children. “...When you’re trying to get that just right headshot, but your kid won’t let you be great,” one fellow mom replied, with a picture of her son photobombing her photo shoot.

Many people online praised Kube for how smoothly she handled the situation, carrying on with the broadcast like a true professional — and a loving mom.

“Best part of the programming so far this morning. Although she might have been surprised and stressed about her surprise on-camera guest, I loved the way she looked at her child with a big smile and lots of love,” one user replied. “That's a mom with her priorities straight.”

Another user added that the sweet moment was much needed in the midst of an “awful and serious” news cycle. “That was the sweetest thing I’ve seen in a while. We need to see things like that in this period of awful and serious news,” one user tweeted.

Others are praising MSNBC for embracing the hilarious moment and supporting Kube and other mothers in the newsroom, adding that they hope to see more relatable moments like this on air.

“I think it’s fantastic that she’s allowed to have her kids around while working. Good on you MSNBC,” one user praised.

“Thank you, MSNBC, for supporting working parents! I LOVED the ‘interruption’ and Kourtney's ability to multitask. Bravo,” a user on Facebook commented. “It’s refreshing to see real life on your network.”

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