This Neck Pimple May Be Small, But Its Pop is Mighty

Photo credit: Instagram @MrBlackhead
Photo credit: Instagram @MrBlackhead

From Cosmopolitan

There are lots of ways to eliminate zits. The right facial cleanser or an acne patch, for example, are gentler ways of saying goodbye to a pesky spot. But sometimes, acne pops up in places we just can't reach. In those cases, you might enlist a friend to squeeze their way to a satisfyingly juicy pop.

One of those Instagram pages is @MrBlackhead, which is responsible for the most satisfying zit or blackhead removal you'll see all week. This one is a small neck zit that packs an unexpected pus punch – much to the dismay of the peanut gallery watching.

The man in the video is unable to reach a large pimple on the back of his neck, so he enlists the help of an unnamed woman. Less than 30 seconds in, he's moaning, she's screaming "that was gnarly!" and the roomful of spectators is shrieking in horror. Though the zit looks like a little guy, it turns out this pimple is a major explosion.

Honestly, all of these people are relatable. We've all been the guy whose neck is squirting, the woman enjoying the popping, and the horrified crowd of disgusted (and amused) viewers. Meta.

It does appear to require further medical attention, despite the popper's insistence it's not infected.

In some cases, a dermatologist's advice is necessary. See a doctor if the condition persists, pain is severe, or if you see any signs of an infection. After all, dermatologists are the best people to handle acne you can't reach.

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