Netflix Is Dropping The New Cloverfield Mov

Photo credit: Netflix
Photo credit: Netflix

From Cosmopolitan

Between beer commercials and all the other movie trailers that are debuting during tonight's Super Bowl, Netflix just upped the ante and confirmed the new, long-awaited Cloverfield threequel, The Cloverfield Paradox, is happening! Oh, and it's available to stream tonight, as soon as the big game is done.

The third Cloverfield movie will follow astronauts on a space station after a big science experiment apparently causes the Earth to disappear. Don't you hate it when that happens?! Other than that, Netflix is leaving us in the dark. And the astronauts are in the dark too, I guess - because they're in space.

Photo credit: NETFLIX
Photo credit: NETFLIX

The movie was originally slated to be released in theaters (but its release date had frequently been bumped back, to the source of much consternation among fans of the movie series). But it looks like Paramount studios have now decided to give millennials what they truly want, after all: the end of the world. Wait, no, it's instant gratification and watching movies late at night in their pajamas. Go ask your roommate for their parents' Netflix login, quick!