Newborn Baby Found Abandoned in Airport Bathroom With a Note

The baby was left with a note saying, "I'm sorry."

Authorities are looking for a woman who may have given birth and then abandoned the child in a Tucson International Airport with a note.

The baby was left on a changing table in one of the airport’s changing rooms with a note reading, “Please help me. My mom had no idea she was pregnant. She is unable and unfit to take care of me. Please get me to the authorities so they can find a good home. I just want what is best for him and it is not me. Please. I’m sorry.”

Authorities say the woman can be seen on airport security footage walking “with a gait” and carrying something wrapped in a blanket, according to ABC affiliate KABC.

The incident occurred on Jan. 14, but authorities released the footage this week hoping to find the woman, according to ABC.

The child was found healthy and in good condition, but airport officials found bloody clothes in an airport bathroom they believe belonged to the woman, according to the Washington Post. Authorities believe she may have given birth in the airport.

Arizona is a safe haven state, which means there are drop-off locations for new mothers to leave newborns they feel unable to care for without legal repercussions. Airports, however, are not included.