Newlyweds search for lost wedding photos after photographer misplaces memory cards

A couple celebrated their wedding at the picturesque Crater Lake, Colo., but after a weekend of stunning views and landscapes, they had nothing to show, because they lost all of their photos.

Kacie and Troy Sanford got married in Berthoud, Colo. on Friday and headed up to Crater Lake. Their friend, Lenzi Holmes was their wedding photographer who misplaced photo cards containing their pictures.

According to KDVR, Holmes realized the photo cards were missing when she reached Denver International Airport on her way home. When she noticed, she immediately left the airport and backtracked to search for them.

The wedding party stayed at Hilton Denver City Center. Holmes later visited a Target store in Boulder, the Rocky Mountain parks, a McDonald’s in Winter Park, a gas station and then went to return their car at Payless Car Rentals, according to a Facebook post. Even after calling each of these places, they have been unsuccessful in retrieving their photos.

Holmes suffered a panic attack on Saturday evening after realizing she lost her friend’s wedding photos.

“I went from screaming and crying to going into the bathroom and throwing up, and just sitting and rocking and just praying that God would take me home because I didn’t want to go through this,” Holmes said in a Facebook Live video. “I didn’t want to hurt my friend, I didn’t want to be strong anymore.”

However, while Holmes feels badly, the bride, Kacie, doesn’t blame her.

"She’s just the sweetest person that can be and I told her sometimes it happens. I'm not angry with you. It sucks," Kacie told KDVR. Holmes added "her response was it's just pictures. You're my friend. I love you and that’s what matters.”

Even though the bride isn’t angry — and has chosen to be gracious about the situation — she does want her photos back and is offering a $1000 reward to anyone who returns them. In the meantime, she’s content with the one professional photo that she does still have.

"I'm like, if I have one and it's this one, we can use that. It's beautiful," Kacie told KDVR.

Yahoo Lifestyle reached out to Lenzi Holmes for comment and will update this post when we hear back.

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