You can now buy a replica of Meghan Markle's engagement ring for a mere $40

Have you been dreaming about Meghan Markle’s engagement ring ever since Prince Harry popped the question last year? We know we have. And while the Duchess of Sussex’s diamond ring is one-of-a-kind, the royal family is about to make your dreams come true. Us common folk can now purchase a replica for only $40.

Though it’s been reported that jewelers would not be making replicas of Markle’s stunning ring, the Buckingham Palace Shop is now selling lookalikes—you know, in case you can’t spare $350,000 for the real deal.

Called the “Buckingham Palace Statement Ring,” the piece was added to the shop as part of a commemorative collection dedicated to the royal wedding. Like Markle’s, the replica has three stones: a large one, with two smaller ones on each side (though it doesn’t have the exact same band).

The original ring, as Harry explained during his and Markle’s first-ever interview together, is yellow gold “because that’s her favorite” and includes a pair of diamonds from Princess Diana’s personal collection “to make sure she’s with us on this crazy journey together.”

The lookalike, meanwhile, has an adjustable palladium-plated metal band that can be paired with the souvenir shop’s matching earrings and necklace.

See the Buckingham Palace Statement Ring below.

The ring ships worldwide, so if you’re looking to perfect your Meghan Markle Halloween costume (or just to feel like royalty), this is your opportunity.