NY Shelter Makes Plea to Find Home for Dog Caught Breaking Out of Her Kennel

For those who have adopted a shelter dog, it's impossible to forget the first moment you knew you found the perfect pet. Whether you locked eyes through the bars of a kennel or fell in love through a social media post, that second when everything clicks is pure magic. For me, I knew for sure when we returned to the shelter to see the scraggly, scruffy stray who had been too afraid to leave the kennel on his first day there. On day two, he acted like a brand new dog as he played with us in the shelter's yard. I couldn't stop smiling!

Every dog and every adopter deserves a similar, magical moment, and one New York shelter dog is determined to get her turn. Bugsy the Pit Bull mix saw her opportunity, and she made a great escape from her kennel in the middle of the day. She was safely returned to her enclosure within two minutes, so the Niagra County SPCA is letting themselves laugh about the situation. Since they shared the security camera footage on December 12, tons of viewers are laughing too.

LMAO! At first, I was expecting a much smaller dog to squeeze through the kennel's bars, but this big girl (okay, technically, she's a medium-sized dog) made it work. That's because she just got lucky! When @niagraspca shared this same video on Facebook, they explained that a mechanical failure allowed the gate of her kennel to unlock. Clearly, this isn't something that happens often because she didn't know what to do with herself!

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One viewer and dog owner also noticed that Bugsy is "So well-behaved! When one of our dogs gets out, they have a party and drag out everything they can all over the building." LOL! That sounds about right for a lot of dogs, honestly, but this sweet shelter dog was hesitant to even leave her kennel. But she let the impulsive thoughts win like the friendly pup she is. Plus, I can't get over that she spent her freedom trying to play with her friend in the other kennel!

Getting Dogs Adopted is Harder Than Ever

As silly and adorable as this video is, it's also bittersweet that shelters have to rely on going viral just to find a dog a home. Six-year-old Bugsy is just one of dozens of dogs in this shelter waiting for someone to bust them out for good, but just think of how many adoptable dogs there are across the country...or even around the world.

Because the cost of living is so high these days, fewer and fewer people are financially able to care for a pet. It's an impossibly tough situation to be in, and it's led to more pet surrenders than ever. However, more people are finding pets they'd like to adopt through social media videos exactly like Bugsy's, so it's an almost sure-fire way to reduce the number of dogs in the shelter and to help them get adopted!

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