NYC Rescue Poodle Makes Incredible Transition from Shelter Senior to Family Favorite

When Liz first brought Aldous home, she knew that she and her other rescue pups could help show Aldous some much-needed love—but she had no idea how loving this little special-needs shelter dog would turn out to be!

This 5-pound, 15-year-old poodle was afraid of being touched and didn't get along with other dogs, but Liz was determined to help this senior pup find his place in the world. And slowly but surely, he got more and more comfortable with his newfound family, who has since helped Aldous realize how wonderful snuggling in a pile with your canine siblings can be!

When Liz brought home her fifth rescue pup, Rooney, this was a big turning point for Aldous, who quickly became best friends with the 14-year-old Maltese.

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Beyond finding new cuddle buddies, Aldous even let Liz bathe and groom him—except when it came to the hair on his head. To avoid the dreaded grooming shears near his face, Aldous started rocking a scrunchie to keep the hair out of his eyes. (Looks great, pal!)

When Aldous isn't wearing sweaters and scrunchies while trotting around NYC, you can find him snuggling and playing at home with Liz and his other rescue siblings!