An ode to friendship and the 10 friends every adult woman needs | Suzy Fleming Leonard

I'm less than two weeks away from a milestone birthday, one that ends in a zero. Such momentous events are always cause for introspection.

As the Big Day approaches, I've been pondering life and wondering how I've gotten to an age at which those Medicare commercials are almost relevant.

I've also been thinking a lot about friendships. When I was in my early 30s, I played the role of wise older sister for a friend in her 20s. She was trying desperately to hold onto her BFFs from high school, but was finding as each year passed, she had less in common with them.

They were married with kids. She was single with a dog. They went on play dates. She went to bars.

Sometimes friendships are cyclical, I told her. The people you need in your life right now aren't the same ones you'll need in five or 10 years. That doesn't mean any of you are bad people. It just means you're evolving in different directions.

Some friendships are cyclical, and some stick forever. Denise Joyce, Ann Maloney, Suzy Fleming Leonard and Diane Cowen have been friends for more than 25 years.
Some friendships are cyclical, and some stick forever. Denise Joyce, Ann Maloney, Suzy Fleming Leonard and Diane Cowen have been friends for more than 25 years.

My 30-something self tended to be self-centered and insecure, but she occasionally had great insight.

As I've gotten older, I realize there are 10 friends every adult woman needs:

The forever friend. This is the person who has known you longest, knows your secrets and loves you anyway. You may go months, or even years, without speaking, but always pick up right where you left off.

The cheerleader. Having a bad day? Call your cheerleader. This is the person thinks you're awesome and isn't shy about telling you so. She always has your back and always takes your side. Just remember to do the same for her.

The reality checker. Just as important as the cheerleader, this friend calls you out when you need it. He still loves you, but he's not afraid to have the tough conversations.

The savvy shopper. Does that dress make you look fat? If so, the shopper will let you know before you leave the dressing room. She believes there are no imperfect bodies, just imperfect fashion decisions, and she won't let you make one, even if it's on super-duper sale.

Accountability buddy. This is the person who joins the gym with you, then always shows up. Want to walk four miles at 5 a.m.? She's there. Need to get in a workout on Thanksgiving morning? The turkey prep can wait.

The lunch date. She's there for you when you need a mid-day break, willing to try new restaurants or revisit old favorites. She knows the joy of lingering over the last few bites and is always up for sharing dessert.

The commiserater. This friend often is a co-worker, so he really gets where you're coming from when you complain about work. He'll match you gripe for gripe with no judgment. When hanging out with the commiserater, it's best to set a time limit on shop talk, then move on to happier topics.

Tech support. You try to keep up with the latest technology, really, you do. Alas, for those of us born in the days before cable TV and touch-tone phones, sometimes it's too much. That's where a tech-savvy friend comes in handy, someone who's willing to set up your new MacBook and who accepts payment in slices of cake.

The introducer. You want this person around at large gatherings, especially when you don't know many people there. The introducer doesn't just stop at names. He reveals your common interests, then steps back to let the conversation blossom.

Up for anything. Mani-pedi? Happy hour? Church? Five-mile hike? Chick flick? Crafting class? Give her an hour's warning, and she's there.

Some friends fill multiple roles. Some friends' roles shift over time. Regardless, if you're lucky enough to have these people in your life, hang onto them. The older you get, the more you need your crew.

But remember: You have a part to play in the lives of the people around you, too. Play it well, and your cheerleader will never have to become your reality checker.

Suzy Fleming Leonard is a features journalist with more than three decades of experience. Reach her at [email protected]. Find her on Facebook: @SuzyFlemingLeonard or on Instagram: @SuzyLeonard

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This article originally appeared on Florida Today: The 10 friends every adult woman should have: Which friend are you?