OK, Here's Exactly What 'YKWIS' Means on Social Media

While browsing different social media apps, most of us are used to seeing various acronyms and abbreviations accompanying the content we're scrolling through. Terms like S/U, BSF and GRWM flood our feeds and while some of them are fairly intuitive (like TTYL or POV), others are a mystery. What does "YKWIS" mean, anyway?

Joining confusing internet-speak like OOMF, TFW and FWIW, YKWIS' meaning is not as obvious at first glance. But you don't have to scroll TikTok and Instagram while simultaneously shrugging your shoulders. We'll get into exactly what this term means, similar internet shorthand examples and how to actually use YKWIS on social media.

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What Does 'YKWIS' Mean in Text?

Wondering what's the full form of YKWIS? It means: "You know what I'm saying?"

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Similar Shorthand

There are other examples of abbreviated language that are similar to YKWIS. These include:

  • IYKWIM, which stands for: "If you know what I mean."

  • YKWIM which stands for: "You know what I mean?"

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Examples of How to Use 'YKWIS'

Here are some ways you can use YKWIS when you're on social media platforms or through text.

  • It's only midweek, but it feels like a Friday—ykwis?

  • IDK if it's even possible to could Taylor Swift's best songs YKWIS

  • Maybe there's a reason she's not calling you back YKWIS?

Next: So, Asking for a Friend, What Does P.S. Actually Stand For?