Any One of These Guinea Pig Breeds Would Make a Great Family Pet
Any One of These Guinea Pig Breeds Would Make a Great Family Pet
Your kids might be convinced they're ready for a dog, but you know that you would end up doing most of the feeding, walking, and cleaning that dogs require. For families who are first-time pet owners, veterinarians often recommend smaller pets, like guinea pigs, because, as Dr. Laurie Hess, DVM, wrote for VetStreet, guinea pigs are less fragile than other small animals like rabbits and hamsters. And, much like a dog, there are a number of guinea pig breeds to chose from.
A guinea pig's breed can affect its temperament, hair type and maintenance, and health conditions. Once you've figured out what guinea pig breed is best for you, you could head to your local animal shelter or check out an online guinea pig rescue. .
In addition to a variety of breeds and lack of fragility, guinea pigs are relatively easy to care for. They don't usually suffer from serious medical conditions as long as they're properly cared for. They also eat a relatively simple diet of hay, fresh vegetables, pelleted food, and, according to Hess, a vitamin C supplement. Their water supply should be refreshed regularly, and their cage should be lined with bedding that is cleaned throughout the week. These are all tasks that kids can perform pretty easily, which is why guinea pigs make a far less daunting first pet than a dog, for instance.
Have we convinced you to adopt a guinea pig just yet? Here are some of the most popular guinea pig breeds, though new breeds are still emerging
You probably didn't even know there were so many.