One Senior Place: Here are 12 tips to help seniors maintain independence as they age

Engaging in an activity you love and do regularly gives you something to look forward to and a way to be social.
Engaging in an activity you love and do regularly gives you something to look forward to and a way to be social.

Q: I want to maintain my independence as I age. Any tips?

A: Maintaining your independence with age is a very worthy goal.

Luckily, there are many things an individual can do to support their autonomy and well-being in later years.

Here are my 12 Tips!

Previous One Senior Place columns:

Supplemental help: Nutritional needs change as you age; talk to your doctor about vitamins

Step forward: Moving on after death of a spouse is hard, but you can do it. Here's how

Stay where you are: Care managers can be integral in helping people age in place

Lisa Conway
Lisa Conway

Stay physically active

Regular exercise not only keeps the body strong, but also helps maintain balance, flexibility and mobility. This reduces the risk of falls and injuries, which can significantly impact independence.

Healthy diet

Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains supports overall health and can prevent (or manage) conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Good nutrition also contributes to energy levels and cognitive function.

Regular health check-ups

Scheduled visits with healthcare providers can help detect/manage health issues early, preventing them from becoming independence-limiting.

Mental stimulation

Brain-stimulating activities like puzzles, reading or learning new skills helps keep the mind sharp and reduces the risk of cognitive decline.

Social connections

Maintaining relationships with friends, family and community members provides emotional support, reduces loneliness and is a source of practical assistance when needed.

Financial planning

Managing finances wisely can help with stability and independence in later years. Saving/investing for retirement, creating a budget and considering long-term care insurance all contribute to successful aging.

Home safety modifications

Changes to your home, such as installing grab bars in the bathroom, improving lighting or removing trip hazards can enhance safety for comfortable aging in place.

Technology and assistive devices

Various devices can help compensate for physical or cognitive limitations. Medical alert systems, mobility aids or home automation tools can make daily tasks easier.

Advance care planning

Directives for end-of-life care preferences ensures that individuals maintain control over their healthcare decisions, should they become unable to communicate them.

Community resources

Accessing community resources such as transportation services, meal delivery programs and senior centers can provide practical assistance and social connections.

Stay active and engaged

Pursuing hobbies, interests and activities that bring you joy and fulfillment will promote a sense of purpose and overall well-being.

Accepting help when needed

Recognizing when you need help — and then accepting it from others can keep minor challenges from escalating into big issues.

Implementing these strategies proactively will help you live a fulfilling and autonomous life for as long as possible.

For more, call One Senior Place in Viera at 321-751-6771 to talk with an Aging Services Expert or to schedule a free 30-minute consultation with me.

One Senior Place is a marketplace for resources and provider of information, advice, care and on-site services for seniors and their families. Questions for this column are answered by professionals in nursing, social work, care management and in-home care. Send questions to [email protected], call 321-751-6771 or visit One Senior Place, The Experts in Aging.

Lisa Conway is a Registered Nurse, Certified Dementia Practitioner and a Certified Care Manager for Senior Partner Care Services, Viera. Ms. Conway hosts a monthly seminar, 'Senior Health Friday with Nurse Lisa.'

This article originally appeared on Florida Today: 12 tips to help seniors maintain independence longer as they age