The One Thing I Always Do Right Before I Leave for Vacation (or Else I Regret It!)

<span> Credit: <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" data-ylk="slk:Lauren Kolyn;elm:context_link;itc:0;sec:content-canvas" class="link ">Lauren Kolyn</a></span> <span id=Credit: Lauren Kolyn" src= fetchPriority=high data-src=>

I’m not a person who waits until the night before I leave for vacation to start packing. My nervous energy forces me to make lists, piles, and frequent trips to the store for weeks in advance to help me sort out all that is swirling in my mind. The goal is to get to my vacation destination, breathe, and finally relax. You’d think with all my planning that once I’m out the door that I go into an instant state of bliss. I wish!

You know that scene in Home Alone when Catherine O’Hara is on the plane, ready for a family trip of a lifetime to Paris when she sits up straight and screams, “KEVIN!” as she realizes she left her son behind? That’s me, except it’s the sudden panic of “Did I leave the oven on?!” or some other major appliance or home hazard.

I look forward year-round to getting away and decompressing for our annual family vacation. After I finish packing for this summer’s much-needed trip, I refuse to have anything on my mind other than what books I’ll read by the pool, what drinks I’ll sip with dinner, and what local delicacies I’ll feast on. Which is why I’m so grateful to have come across an ingenious hack that will help us all actually relax on our hard-earned vacations. Before you walk out the door, take a photo of your stove! 

Oven stove turned off.
Credit: Lauren West Brown-Rosenthal Credit: Lauren West Brown-Rosenthal

By taking a photo of your stove and knobs, it ensures everything is turned off, and you even have proof of it in your pocket. Trust me, this can really help you breathe easier when you’re away.

In fact, Seamus Nally, CEO of TurboTenant, says it’s a great idea to take pictures of all of the potentially hazardous items in your house before you leave for a vacation to decrease the risk of leaving something on. “Not only does this help give you peace of mind when you are on the road and are struck with a sudden panicked thought of ‘Did I turn the oven off!?’ but it also creates the habit of going around your home and double checking those appliances before you leave,” says Nally. Other things to take pictures of in your house might include hot hair tools, fireplaces, ovens, coffee makers, faucets, fridge doors, candles, outlets, and toasters.

Oven turned off.
Credit: Lauren West Brown-Rosenthal Credit: Lauren West Brown-Rosenthal

While I know that the task of taking these important photos will add another item to your to-do list, I recommend a hack of my own design: Set an alarm on your phone for about 10 minutes before you’re due to walk out the door for your trip, and label it “Household Photos.” Once it goes off, that’s your cue to walk around your home and take pictures of all items you would potentially worry over while you’re away.

Then, all that’s left to do is turn your phone off and enjoy yourself! I know I’ll use this hack to finally be unplugged and worry-free while on my own family vacation this summer. Because after all that planning, your sense of well-being is priceless.