Ones to Watch: Aeron

Budapest-based label Aeron relaunched this week in coordination with the debut of its fall 2020 collection. The label is designed by Eszter áron — a Hungarian designer who comes from a generation of tailors. From a young age, áron was inspired by her artistic environments, influencing her to delve into a love of art, textiles and fashion. In 2012, thanks to the help of friends and investors, the designer launched her women’s ready-to-wear label, Aeron. Over the years, the designer was able to expand globally from further investments. The label’s aesthetic of clean sharp lines and minimalist elan, with a focus on quality and craftsmanship, have all held true since its inception.

The fall 2020 season not only brings forth a divine selection of garments, but also a redesigned logo and branding, designed by Benjamin Grillon. The brand’s social media and e-commerce also relaunched with a consistent, aesthetic redesign that sticks true to the company’s minimalist spirit.

When it comes to the garments, pricing remains consistent to previous seasons, sitting in the contemporary market. The fall collection, inspired by outdoor activities (specifically sport climbing), blends utility, sophistication and minimalism. The collection offers suiting (like a standout worn out, earthy clay-toned denim number), twisted silk offerings with carabinier and hiking rope details, oversize raincoats, sleek leather layers and more. Key fabrics include recycled satin, novelty denim, leather, poplin and regenerated wool. From high-waisted skirts and utilitarian jumpsuits to monochromatic frocks, the brand continues to succeed with fashions that sit between trendy and timeless. The collection is available globally on Aeron’s e-commerce as well as The Frankie Shop, New York.

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