Parents can't stop raving about this toy vacuum that kids love — and it actually works

This Casdon Dyson Ball replica vacuum toy has many fans among parents. (Photo: Amazon)
This Casdon Dyson Ball replica vacuum toy has many fans among parents. (Photo: Amazon)

Kids are known to have some pretty quirky interests, such as obsessively watching videos on YouTube of other kids unboxing toys.

But an interesting child subculture is being brought into the limelight thanks to Amazon.

The Casdon Dyson Ball vacuum not only looks exactly like a “grownup” vacuum, it also operates essentially the same way. The real suction is effective enough to have parents dishing out their dollars for an extra pair of hands helping out around the house.

And the reviews are in: Not only do parents love that their little helper has something to do, but apparently, there are also a lot of kids who are obsessed with vacuums.

“My three-year-old son insists on watching Dyson Channel Youtube videos daily & can name all the mechanical parts,” one parent writes. “He was absolutely crazy about this toy the evening it arrived, I’d never seen his eyes light up quite so much over a toy.”

One child, who absolutely rocks a poncho, is reportedly “OBSESSED” with vacuums. His parent writes, “We got him this for Christmas, and it was the only gift he cared about. He wouldn’t open any other gifts after getting to it. His sister had to do the rest of them. He has been ‘vacuuming’ for 4 days straight.”

A parent shared a positive review that included her vacuum-obsessed son
A parent shared a positive review that included her vacuum-obsessed son. (Photo: Amazon)

Kate Mahoney even credits the toy with helping her son get over his fear of vacuuming. She writes, “My son is autistic and has always been TERRIFIED of the vacuum. Like, PETRIFIED!… At 5, he still cries and runs when we pull out the vacuum, so I decided to get this in hopes of making the vacuum less scary and involving him. He LOVES it and now vacuums along with us instead of running and crying! That to me is a huge win. I find him vacuuming by himself all the time. I love that it’s teaching him an important life skill and that he’s enjoying cleaning! What more could you want as a parent!?”

One mom is pleased that the vacuum actually works. “After only a minute of vacuuming, it picked up a decent amount of animal hair and crumbs.” So it’s a cheap alternative to a Roomba and it makes kids happy. That’s a win-win.

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