Your Parents Lied to You —& Twitter Knows All About It

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People are sharing lies their parents told them on Twitter, and boy can we relate. The #LiesYourParentsToldYou has opened a Pandora’s box of what parenthood is about: love, patience, and lies.

While some of these lies could easily be justified (because let’s be honest, who would want a child to be awake all night long on Christmas waiting for Santa right at the door?) there are others that were absolutely mean (did your parents ever say, “come back here, I promise I won’t punish you” only to do just that?).

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Of course, honesty is key when raising kids. We as parents must be straightforward with our children and explain issues to them in practical, accessible ways. After all, knowledge is power; it can help kids make better choices for their futures, and even guide them to be more empathetic toward others. But sometimes, a lie can save you quite a headache when you’re fielding awkward questions — and it might even prevent kids from hurting themselves. That’s the funny thing about the #LiesYourParentsToldYou Twitter thread is: It pretty makes clear that sometimes, the best solution really is a tiny white lie.

However, a lie comes handy in everyday situations. How do you get your little one to eat vegetables or take a shower? Children can be very stubborn, and embellish the truth is just another way to convince them to obey.

Remember, as parents, we are not being deceitful. We just want you to do the right thing, whatever we think that is… #ParentsGotThePower.

Here are some of the funniest, cruelest lies Twitter has debunked. Does it sound familiar?

So, the truth is out. “Food at home” means plenty of leftovers. Seeds and gum aren’t that bad for you, but at the very least a stomachache is in order. And what about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy? Don’t deny itthat’s part of the fun of being a kid.

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