Parkland Students Speak Out About Clear Backpacks

Photo credit: Twitter
Photo credit: Twitter

From Seventeen

In wake of the mass shooting that killed 17 people, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students are now obligated to wear clear, see-through backpacks, and they're not happy about it.

To demonstrate the students' disapproval, Parkland Student Delaney Tarr created a Twitter poll, which asked, "Alright, so let’s clear this up. How many of you (specifically Douglas students) think that clear backpacks are a good solution?"

According to the final results, 89 percent of people said "no."

And while many students, including Sam Fuentes, Kyrah Simon, and Jaclyn Corin, have tweeted their frustrations regarding the safety measure (and rightfully so!), there is some good coming from it.

Just a few hours ago, March For Our Lives co-founder Cameron Kasky posted this picture of his clear backpack, packed with tampons.

Some were confused by the picture, but in a follow-up tweet, Cameron revealed he's been learning "new things about women's health."

"To those with questions about my tampon backpack - I only got lights. I didn’t know. Getting supers for tomorrow. Sizes, pricing... I’m learning new things about women’s health right now. This stuff is expensive. Steps must be taken to make these health products easier to access," he wrote.

Granted, the fact that feminine hygiene products are expensive is not new info, but Cameron's fellow classmates are happy to see he's using this opportunity to help break the stigma around periods.

Emma González and Sarah Chadwick have both retweeted the original photo.

Additionally, Delaney wrote, "The only positive about these backpacks is that maybe, hopefully, the stigma around periods will be removed. Also, that Cameron now knows how expensive tampons are."

"Yass Cameron ]]>????