Peaky Blinders, series 4 episode 3: has Polly finally reached the end of her tether?

Helen McCrory and Adrien Brody - 3
Helen McCrory and Adrien Brody - 3

As series four of the Brummie gangster saga reached Blackbird, its halfway point, Polly went rogue, Arthur went to hell and back, and the Italians turned up their noses at spotted dick. You can catch up with last week's episode here

Has Polly turned traitor against Tommy?

After last week’s pep talk from her hospitalised son Michael (Finn Cole), Shelby matriarch Aunt Pol (the magnificent Helen McCrory) warily rejoined the family business – albeit on “generously improved terms” and making no promises to toe the line. As she justifiably pointed out: “While working for this company, I have killed a man, lost a man, found a son, nearly lost a son and nearly lost my own life. I will not behave myself.”

So it unfolded that Polly has her own agenda – and the Peaky Blinders have a threat at the very heart of their organisation. In a head-spinning climactic scene, Polly met vendetta-pursuing mobster Luca Changretta (Adrien Brody) in the bar of his Stratford-upon-Avon hotel for champagne and scheming. 

Was it just me who felt a crackle of illicit sexual tension between the two? Polly, who has been celibate for two years, earlier mentioned that she’d “made a New Year’s Resolution to change that situation – with someone unsuitable”. Could she be about to embark on a high-risk affair with Changretta? Or even gypsy gun-for-hire Aberama Gold (Aiden Gillen, not sighted this week)?

Polly promptly offered Changretta a deal: to spare Michael, Finn and Arthur – not Ada, note – in return for her delivering kingpin Tommy (Cillian Murphy). She wants vengeance for all that has passed between them. Besides: “John was a good boy. Arthur tries. Tommy’s different.” Her desire to protect Michael at all costs – together with the fact that post-noose, she’s freed from fear – makes her an unpredictable opponent. She’s always been a match for her nephew. Is this her ultimate gambit or is she playing a dangerous double-cross game?

Helen McCrory and Adrien Brody - Credit: BBC
Helen McCrory and Adrien Brody Credit: BBC

Arthur was in his own personal hell

Beneath his sweary bluster and bursts of violence, we watched eldest Shelby sibling Arthur (a gut-punch performance from Paul Anderson) wrestle with both his guilt and his God following brother John’s death.

A protest by paint-throwing Bolshevik insurgents (“f--- your f---ing revolution” was Arthur’s considered political view) provided an opportunity for two Italian hitmen to sneak into the Lanchester factory through the back door. Cue some unsubtle but effective Satanic imagery, with Arthur covered in red paint amid belching flames as he dispatched them with a combination of hammer, pistol and drowning in paint, before “ripping out their hearts and burning their bones to ash”. Two Italians down. Thirteen to go. 

Soon, though, Arthur had his cherished chance of vengeance for John snatched away. On Polly's instructions, wife Linda (Kate Phillips) donned Japanese silk lingerie and seduced Arthur. The aim? To keep him away from the board meeting where the other Shelbys voted to do away with the gypsy custom which dictates that the eldest son must put the bullet in Changretta. 

“Tradition will just f--- us up,” argued Tommy, who instead contracted the killing to Aberama Gold. For once, Polly agreed: “Dropping the law of the bullet is part of modernisation.” Arthur, though, blames himself for John’s death and is reluctant to part with tradition. Torn between devout wife and devilish family, his crisis of faith could prove highly combustible. 

Paul Anderson - Credit: BBC
Paul Anderson Credit: BBC

Jessie Eden awoke Tommy’s social conscience

As the strike took hold at Tommy’s factories, he paid a personal visit to union firebrand Jessie Eden (Charlie Murphy). He found himself outmanoeuvred, though, when she revealed that she’d researched his pre-war past. Back when young Tommy was in love with a girl called Greta Durruti, he believed in justice and fairness. He was even a member of the Communist Party before he enlisted and went to France. “That sweet boy never came back from the war,” said Eden wistfully. 

In return, Tommy told what he knew about Eden: that her sweetheart had fought at the Battle Of Passchendaele, returned home shell-shocked and committed suicide. 

Two lost souls who’d both lost their loves. In many ways, Tommy and Jessie are made for each other. Instead, he took loyal Lizzie (Natasha O’Keeffe) down to the canalside for sex under the arches. “Are you kissing me or her?” she asked him. “You,” lied Tommy. 

At least his verbal sparring with Eden stirred Tommy’s long-dormant sense of social responsibility. He duly instructed Lizzie to increase charitable donations by 25 per cent and build two new institutes for destitute children. At least he’s putting his ill-gotten gains to good use again. 

Cillian Murphy - Credit: BBC
Cillian Murphy Credit: BBC

The soundtrack spanned the decades

An eclectic musical selection this week. We heard the clattering punk of Devil Inside Me by Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes during the paint-spattered factory showdown. By way of contrast, Arthur’s anguish was soundtracked by the ethereal I Wish by folk group Rachel Unthank & The Winterset.

We were also treated to a non-anachronistic tune: bittersweet Twenties jazz standard Bye Bye Blackbird, which was not only played by Jessie Eden on her gramophone but gave this episode its title. Two former Beatles in Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr have recorded their own versions, pop trivia fans. 

Things went from bad to worse for Devlin

Poor old factory manager Niall Devlin (played by Graeme Hawley, who Coronation Street fans will recognise as villainous schoolteacher John Stape). Last week, he repeatedly warned Tommy of impending union trouble, which fell on deaf ears. Now he was somehow expected to keep production going during a city-wide strike, while illegal boxing bouts and double murders took place on the premises. 

To add insult to injury, Devlin was interrogated by Tommy for suspected collusion with the Italians. He might have got the benefit of the doubt but Devlin looked even more crestfallen when told: “You’re one of us now.” He must be hankering for the relative safety of those Corrie cobbles. 

Polly isn’t the only enemy within

Back in series two, Arthur was haunted by flashbacks from the war. During one particularly bad hallucination, he beat a young boxer to death while sparring. The boy’s mother pulled a gun in The Garrison pub and the Peaky Blinders have been paying her off ever since.

Now, though, the Italians plan to exploit her long-held grudge (“People in this place hate forever, like Sicilians”) by getting her to invite the Shelbys to her house – where a nasty surprise will await. “Somebody has to stop you people,” she screamed at the time. Could she finally get her wish, two series and four years later?

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It's time for the younger Shelbys to grow up

In a touching scene, cousin Michael was visited in hospital by his adoptive mother, who gently told him that his adoptive father had died – and brought him some apples from their orchard (with no worms in them). That’s two fathers Michael has now lost. 

Meanwhile, teenager Finn (Harry Kirton) – the youngest member of the Shelby clan – lost his virginity to a prostitute. A sign that he’s ready to take his place at the family’s top table? “There’s an empty space here to be filled,” Tommy told him. “So be a f---ing man.” We just hope that’s not a bad omen for fresh-faced Finn.

No spaghetti in Small Heath

After he lost two men, the tetchy Changretta ordered his henchmen to start dressing, acting and eating like locals rather than “big city hoodlums”. The Mafiosi proceeded to grumble amusingly about the Black Country’s culinary offerings: “None of my clothes fit anymore. I can’t eat anything here. It’s all inedible. Disgusting. Spotted dick, what is that?”

After furiously force-feeding him – surely the most violent use of a scone in baking history – Changretta told them to finish their business in Brum so they could return home for some decent food. An army marches on its stomach, after all.