People are outraged that the MTA told a commuter to call 911 because there was a very good dog on their train

A dog was patiently waiting for his stop on the subway in New York City. (Photo: Jen Chung via Twitter)
A dog was patiently waiting for his stop on the subway in New York City. (Photo: Jen Chung via Twitter)

Imagine you’ve spent a long hot day in Manhattan just trying to make ends meet in the city that never sleeps. You’ve finally made it to the subway to go home and magically, your train arrives, and it isn’t crowded. You step onboard and see a cute dog.

Do you:

A. Sit away from it but with a clear view to admire it from a distance?
B. Ask the owner if you could maybe pet it?
C. Stare intensely into its eyes and think, “I love you, I love you, I love you,” hoping that the dog has telepathic abilities.
D. Call the police.

If you answered “D,” you’re a monster.

Jen Chung, a writer for Gothamist, was doing the Lord’s work when she posted this video of a well-behaved dog enjoying a ride on the MTA on Monday night. Wanting to show the world this precious moment, Chung posted the video on Twitter.

Surprisingly, the Metropolitan Transit Authority’s NYC Transit account replied to the tweet and informed Jen that if she sees a dog onboard the train to call 911.

Per MTA rules, dogs are allowed on New York City buses and subways. However, they have to be in a container, and they must not be a nuisance to other passengers.

But to call the police on a dog? When there was a fire happening in the subway that same day?

A first for me. A fire at Nevins Street station. #mta

A post shared by Andres Ohara-Plotnik (@andresohara) on Jul 17, 2018 at 4:39pm PDT

The poor person who runs the subway Twitter account attempted to clear the air by explaining the law.

Earlier on Tuesday, the subway Twitter account sent out an apology: “One of our colleagues was mistaken in his response. Please do not call 911 unless there is an emergency. We love cute doggos as much as you – but they need to be in carriers while riding on a train.”

There is also the “Noah’s Ark” bill, proposed in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, that allows animals on the subway in the event of evacuation if NYC is hit with a natural disaster.

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