Country Living

People Are Panicking That Reese's Cup Are Going to Be Discontinued

Danielle Jackson
Photo credit: Flickr/Owlpacino
Photo credit: Flickr/Owlpacino

From Country Living

The internet freaked out earlier this week when a sick and twisted rumor began to spread, claiming that our beloved Reese's Peanut Butter Cups were soon to be discontinued. As our peanut butter and chocolate-loving hearts broke into pieces, Reese's Twitter mentions were unsurprisingly flooded with Twitter users who were equal parts outraged and heartbroken about the news stating that the candy would cease to exist in October due to low sales.

But if you're one of many who went into a panic, you can relax now because Reese's aren't going anywhere. The rumor stems from a viral news story that was published on Breaking News 365, a prank site that allows users to write and publish their own fake news stories. To be honest, the site looks pretty legit, and when links from the site are shared to Facebook, they pop up just like any other link from a credible news source would. So it isn't shocking that people actually believed the rumor. But when you see a headline like that sitting right next to a few others on the site that are even more ridiculous, it's hard to ignore the red flags.


Reese's was quick to debunk the rumor with a pretty cheeky response in the form of a meme sent out to to the cluster of people tweeting them.

You heard it from the horse's mouth. Your chocolate peanut butter cups are here to stay.

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