People Were Shocked By British "Chinese" Food, So Here's What 14 Other Cuisines Look Like In The UK

Recently, people were shocked to discover what British people consider to be "Chinese food." Photos and videos of the cuisine were going viral, and I personally was left a little speechless. I didn't know a world existed where you could order fries from a Chinese restaurant, but here we are:

Fries covered in sauce

This discovery led to a deep curiosity within me, pertaining to how the UK interprets other countries' foods. Alas, here are 14 other examples I found on Reddit:

1.This "pigs in a blanket" sushi:

British pigs in blanket sushi

2.This "Mexican inspired" sandwich from Tesco:

A Mexican-inspired sandwich

3.And this lasagne sandwich from Tesco:

A lasagne sandwich

4.This "Italian" pizza with fried chicken and bacon on it:

Fried chicken sandwich

5.This "turkey katsu" Japanese curry:

Turkey katsu dish

6.This "Indian" meal:

Chicken and fries

7.This French restaurant menu:

Paris in Preston menu

8.These "nachos":


9.This pasta:

Pasta covered in ketchup

10.This "American" food aisle:

An American food aisle in the UK

11.This "French" croissant pizza:

Croissant pizza

12.And this "French" quiche sandwich:

Quiche sandwich

13.This cheese and baked beans "quesadilla":

A baked bean and cheese quesadilla

14.And finally, these British "tapas":

British tapas

H/T: r/CasualUK