Former White House Photographer Shades Trump With Pic of Obama and Women in High Heels

White House photographer Pete Souza takes photos of former President Barack Obama after a speech in 2014. (Photo: Getty Images)
White House photographer Pete Souza takes photos of former President Barack Obama after a speech in 2014. (Photo: Getty Images)

Pete Souza, the Obama administration’s official White House photographer, has leveraged Instagram for years to share some insightful, revealing moments about former President Barack Obama and the man who exists beyond the commander-in-chief title.

On Monday, Souza was back at it again with a pointed post that read like a kind of ultimate subtweet (subgram?) targeted at the Trump administration.

Meeting with top advisors. This is a full-frame picture. I guess you'd say I was trying to make a point.

A photo posted by Pete Souza (@petesouza) on Feb 6, 2017 at 9:29am PST

In the photo, Souza shows a meeting with President Obama and top advisers. The picture features all parties from about midthigh down — thus revealing that these advisers, all in skirts and heeled boots, are women.

The fact that the POTUS would appoint women to top leadership positions shouldn’t be striking — although in the early days of the Trump administration it’s something that’s already a footnote in the history books. In President Trump’s Cabinet, 17 out of 20 positions have been filled by men. (Furthermore, 15 of those 17 men are white men.)


A photo posted by Rashida Jones (@rashidajones) on Jan 24, 2017 at 9:41am PST

Trump recently garnered headlines (and subsequent memes) just days after taking office when an official photo was circulated of the new president signing an executive order reimplementing the global gag rule — and thus barring U.S. foreign aid from going to any nongovernmental organization (NGO) that so much as mentions abortion care — surrounded by a group of his own top advisers, all of whom, as the image shows, are white males.

Late last week, Sweden’s deputy prime minister, Isabella L?vin, made a statement about Trump’s predominantly male team by circulating a photo of herself signing a climate bill, surrounded by her own top advisers and closest colleagues — all of whom are women, one of whom happened to be very pregnant.

The photo shared by Souza, who was also an official White House photographer during President Ronald Reagan’s second term, achieved an added layer of pointedness after news broke Wednesday night that what upset Trump the most about Melissa McCarthy’s portrayal of White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, another white male, on Saturday Night Live this weekend was the fact that it was a woman portraying Spicer, which Trump reportedly interpreted as a cultural projection of weakness onto his official spokesman.

“I guess you’d say I was trying to make a point,” Souza wrote in his Instagram post yesterday.

Point taken.

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