Pineapple Plant Care Tips from an Expert

Ornamental pineapple plants are fun tabletop plants that bring a tropical flair to any room. They’re bromeliads, which grow in the rain forests of South America—and they’re actually relatives of plants such as Spanish moss and air plant. Some species are edible, while others are just for looks! “They’re a fun plant that you usually purchase with the small pineapple already present,” says Justin Hancock, horticulturist with Costa Farms, one of the largest growers in the country. “They don’t live a long time like some other plants, such as Christmas cactus, but they’re definitely a conversation piece.”

Here’s how to care for your pineapple plant.

How much light does pineapple plant need?

As you’d imagine with a tropical plant, the pineapple plant needs tons of bright light. Outdoors, they grow in full sun, so give yours a south-facing window, if possible. They’ll do okay in a west- or east-facing window as well, and or give them supplemental light, with as an inexpensive LED grow light.

Your pineapple plant doesn't need a ton of water.

Treat them sort of like succulents, which don’t need to be watered often. Pineapple plants don’t like to be soggy, so water when the soil is mostly dry and the pot feels very light. “If it isn’t getting enough light, the roots rot if it’s overwatered,” says Hancock. With that in mind, it’s better to err on the side of letting it get too dry, rather than too wet.

You don't need to feed your pineapple plant.

It’s not really necessary, says Hancock. These plants typically last only about a year or two (maybe more, if you're lucky!) before they decline. They’re a short-lived accent plant, rather than a long-term houseplant, such as a Christmas cactus, which can live for decades with the right conditions.

What are those little things around the base of my pineapple plant?

Not every plant gets them, but in ideal growing conditions, you may get “pups,” which are baby plants that form around the base of the original or “mother” plant. You can leave them in place and the mother plant will continue to fade, or cut them off when ? the size of the mother plant. Pot in well-drained soil, and enjoy the plant’s life cycle again! But be patient; it can take couple of years before another pineapple forms.

Can I grow a pineapple plant from the top?

Yes! Cut off the top (and eat the fruit!). Peel off some of the lower leaves to reveal the stem and some brown bumps, which are baby roots starting to grow. Place in a pot in regular potting soil, and keep it in bright light. Keep the soil slightly damp until roots develop in a few months. An alternative method is to place the top in a glass of water until it grows roots, and then plant. Enjoy!

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