Pippa Middleton Opens Up About Trying Alternative Therapies for Her Son

Pippa Middleton Opens Up About Trying Alternative Therapies for Her Son

From Harper's BAZAAR

  • Pippa Middleton has been embracing alternative therapy for her son, Arthur Michael William Matthews, since he was 7 months old.

  • In a new column for Waitrose Weekend, Middleton wrote about her experiences taking her son to see a cranial osteopath.

Pippa Middleton is opening up about an alternative therapy she's been trying with her one-year-old son, Arthur.

In a new installment of her column for Waitrose Weekend magazine, she wrote that she's been taking her young son to cranial osteopathy—a calming practice where a baby receives a gentle massage on the skull—since he was seven months old.

Photo credit: Max Mumby/Indigo - Getty Images
Photo credit: Max Mumby/Indigo - Getty Images

Of the alternative therapy, which she admits lacks scientific backing, Middleton wrote the following.

“Soon after Arthur was born last year, I heard a few mums talking about seeing a cranial osteopath. It’s a popular alternative therapy for newborns, particularly those who have had a traumatic birth, are unsettled, or have trouble sleeping. It claims to heal, relax and promote sleep, digestion and body alignment through gentle head and body manipulation. While there is a lack of scientific evidence, after hearing positive things about it (and out of intrigue more than anything else), I took Arthur when he was seven months old.”

Middleton added that she saw the impact of the therapy right away.

“I was fascinated to see how calming it was for him, but also how valuable the feedback was. The osteopath noticed one side of his neck was tighter than the other, which explained why he favored one side sleeping. She also saw that his arms were stronger than his legs, so she gave me an exercise to help him.”

Once again, Middleton has used her column to give fans a very personal look into her family's life.

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