This Player Is Most Likely to Win 'Survivor,' According to Betting Odds

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Photo credit: CBS Photo Archive - Getty Images

From Men's Health

Sports betting can be a lot of fun (and even good for you!), but what if we told you that you can also bet on your favorite TV shows? One show that's a favorite among fans is Survivor, as the constant ups and downs of the game make for a fun betting experience.

Warning: Spoilers ahead for Survivor: Edge of Extinction

For those who need a refresher on the current season, we just made it past the merge on Survivor: Edge of Extinction, and things are getting good. Keith and Wendy decided to leave the game for good, leaving Aubry, Reem, and Chris on Extinction Island. Rick returned from Extinction and re-joined the twelve other players that are still in the game. By the end of the episode, Joe had been voted out, and he headed to Extinction Island, giving him a second chance to enter the game (although none of the Extinction Island residents knows when that will be).

Over at Gold Derby, a predictions and analysis site, readers have been casting votes on how they think will be Sole Survivor, and the results are interesting.

Waitress Victoria is leading with 9/2 odds of winning, and Texas-native Lauren comes in second place with 5/1 odds. Firefighter Eric rounds out the top 3 with 13/2 odds.

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Photo credit: CBS Photo Archive - Getty Images
Photo credit: CBS Photo Archive - Getty Images
Photo credit: CBS Photo Archive - Getty Images
Photo credit: CBS Photo Archive - Getty Images
Photo credit: CBS Photo Archive - Getty Images

And while many say that returning players don't have a good chance of winning, Millennials vs. Gen X player David is in fourth place with odds 7/1 to win, and San Juan del Sur & Cambodia favorite Wentworth is right behind him in fifth place at 17/2 odds.

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Photo credit: CBS Photo Archive - Getty Images
Photo credit: CBS Photo Archive - Getty Images
Photo credit: CBS Photo Archive - Getty Images

In last place is the self-proclaimed mom of the group Reem, who was voted out in the first tribal council. To view the full list, click here.

But as we all know, a castaway's good (or bad) fortune, can change in an instant. From winning or losing an immunity challenge, finding an idol, or joining a new alliance, everything could be different for any of the contestants in a matter of minutes.

There's still time to cast your prediction for who will win the season, and you can head over to Gold Derby to cast your vote. Users with the best prediction scores will join their Top 24 League, where you can compete against experts for points and prizes.

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