Playground upgrades and pickleball courts changing look of River View Community Park

WARSAW ? Even though River View Community Park is dealing with the permanent closure of the community swimming pool this summer, there have been plenty of other improvements made to what is a hub of the Warsaw area.

Recent work at River View Community Park included installation of a new playground, which features a free standing slide purchased through a $5,000 grant from the Coshocton Foundation.
Recent work at River View Community Park included installation of a new playground, which features a free standing slide purchased through a $5,000 grant from the Coshocton Foundation.

In a 2023 survey for Neighborhood Revitalization Block Grant funding, about half of all respondents rated park improvements as a top priority. While the village was not successful obtaining the grant, village council decided to go forward with playground remodeling and some other work anyway, said Mike Baker, a grant writer for the village who spearheaded much of the park project. Renovations were a combination of grants, in-kind donations and volunteer labor.

"The generous financial support from local foundations and much cooperation from local contractors, village employees and community volunteers have made these park improvements such a large success," Baker said.

He said Ridenbaugh Tree Service removed two large trees inside the existing playground and Vic Allen Excavating removed the old playground equipment. This was followed by laying of 2,000 pounds of new rubber mulch from an $18,740 grant from the Montgomery Foundation. The mulch was spread by volunteers and Vic Allen Excavating.

Recent work at River View Community Park included installation of new basketball backboards and rims, painting of poles and power washing of the courts.
Recent work at River View Community Park included installation of new basketball backboards and rims, painting of poles and power washing of the courts.

A $5,000 grant from the Coshocton Foundation was used to buy a new free standing slide. An anonymous donor provided funding for a new swing set, which includes an infant swing. Tumblin's Fence added new fence to one side of the playground. Volunteers painted the existing large swing set, making it look new, Baker said.

An old and unused tennis court was demolished and replaced with a new gravel parking lot. The additional parking has been very useful, Baker said, for all of the summer baseball and softball games played on the park's three fields.

Craig Shriver power washed 15 benches at the park with Michael Varnes adding sealant and volunteers painting lettering.

Baker said volunteers also helped with power washing the basketball courts and painting existing poles with Vic Allen Excavating removing the old basketball backboards. New backboards and rims were purchased and installed by Mike Myers and Vic Allen.

In preparation to convert two basketball courts into three pickleball courts, four basketball backboards were removed by Vic Allen Excavating. Tumblin’s Fence installed new fencing on the court. The Coshocton Pickleball Club, led by Eric Exley, were contracted to paint the new pickleball courts. Baker said that project should be done sometime in August.

Also yet to come is extending the park's current walking path by 590 lineal feet from the parking lot to Main Street. The Schooler Family Foundation is provided a $10,000 grant for the extension.

Funding is currently being sought to make the playground more handicapped accessible by adding American with Disabilities Act compliant playground equipment. This will include a wheel station where children in wheelchairs and others can ride in a merry-go-round style, an activity center for ages 2 to 12, a Cozy Cocoon station for children to relax when overstimulated and play and pour surfaces leading to certain activity areas. Steve Oster, superintendent for Coshocton County Board of Developmental Disabilities, is assisting with this addition.

This article originally appeared on Coshocton Tribune: Warsaw makes upgrades to River View Community Park