Plus-size model Manon Edwards on wearing white shorts and crop top: I used to be 'scared to wear that kind of outfit'

Curvy model Manon Edwards used fashion as a way of finding self-love. (Photo: Instagram/chicwithcurves)
Curvy model Manon Edwards used fashion as a way of finding self-love. (Photo: Instagram/chicwithcurves)

Growing up in the south of France being a size 12 wasn’t easy for curvy blogger Manon Edwards. However, now at 25 years old and a size 16, she has never been happier and is living her best life in California as a model.

In a recent post, Edwards shared how wearing a crop top and shorts would have intimidated her in the past, but she’s now in a place where she can wear a revealing outfit while still being comfortable in her own skin. Her candid post got more than 1,500 likes.

“Being plus sized in France is very complicated,” Edwards tells Yahoo Style. “I was never accepted and always looked down upon.”

It took Edwards the “fake it until you make it” philosophy to find self-love. She says it wasn’t an easy journey to loving every inch of her body, but she persevered by challenging herself and was able to achieve it.

Edwards began to blog in France and moved to California three years ago. She found herself all alone without her family and friends. But she says the move gave her a fresh start to become the confident woman she is now.

“I began surrounding myself with positive people who really brought my self-esteem up,” she says. “It was refreshing for me to find such wonderful support.”

Being Plus size does not mean having to wear black simple swimsuits or clothes to hide yourself! Being Curvy also mean that by having CURVES you have to expose, assume and play with it! In my city we have an expression: "Without curves, a body is boring!" If you give so much attention to people thinking they are body shaming you. They are not the "problem" it's you who have to change your mind because you are the only one who is making you unhappy at the moment by assuming your body isn't good enough for people! Set up your mind on positivity and enjoy what's life have to offer you instead! ?? YES, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, CHALLENGE YOURSELF! TRY ON SOME SEXY STUFF DO NOT LIMIT YOURSELF! ?? Les filles! Etre grande taille ne signifie pas devoir cacher ces formes sous des fringues ou maillots simples et dégueulasses! Vous savez j'ai déjà beaucoup entendu qu'une femme sans formes c'est une femme ennuyante! (Sans vouloir critiquer les femmes fines, juste pour dire que tout autant d'hommes et de femmes peuvent aimer celles qui en ont!) Si vous vous privez de porter ce qu'il vous pla?t pensant qu'on se moquera de vous. C'est vous qui ne vous rendez pas heureuse, c'est que vous aimez en fait être dans cette situation?! Parce que vous assumez que direct, on se moquera. Ne vous privez plus arrêtez d'insinuer les choses, ne prêtez pas attention aux gens! Ne vous limitez pas! OSEZ, tentez, assumez porter ce qu'il vous pla?t et profitez de ce que la vie à à vous donner! Quand on s'assume on attire pas le même genre de personne et cela change une vie! ?? SWIMSUITS: @swimsuitsforall X @theashleygraham #Swimsuitsforall #AshleyGraham #LoveYourself #CHALLENGEYourself #Curvy #PlusIsSexy #BodyAcceptance #Happywithcurves

A post shared by Manon Edwards (@chicwithcurves) on Jun 8, 2017 at 11:04am PDT

She learned to radiate self-love and confidence. Then Edwards met her now-husband of two years.

“If I had never stopped wearing black pants all the time and changed my fashion sense into what I always wanted it to be, I would have never moved to Los Angeles for a modeling job and met my wonderful husband,” she says. “Loving myself brought me a career and a life partner.”

“The way you feel about yourself will affect the way others see you,” she says. “I began loving who I was, and that gave way for others to love me as well.”

Edwards says she is grateful for how the U.S. has created a body-positive community that empowers others, thanks to social media.

“I want to use my platform to help other people who struggle with the way they look,” she says. “You are beautiful the way you are. Everyone is unique and different. Find that love within yourself. It is possible.”

Understanding and accepting the true it's hard. It is not because you're scared that people will probably body shamed you. But because you are the one who doesn't treat your body right. Even before thinking about someone will critic your size you are the first one who is doing it by saying that you can not wear a bikini for example! Stop using this excuse of people will look at you because of your size. Because even if it will be the case, what they will be able to do?! Telling you someone wrong and negative to yourself?! Okay but what's the point for someone to doing it?! Even if he's doing it, just answer to this person at least YOU, YOU are not the one focusing on people's lives! But focusing on your own and on being happy by enjoying Life and a Beach day wearing your favorite bikini! Stop making your life miserable because of people! It's time to MAKE YOURSELF HAPPY because no one can do this better than you! Accepter la réalité c'est très difficile. Lorsque vous vous dites que vous n'aimez pas votre corps et n'osez pas porter ce que vous voulez à cause du regard des autres ce n'est pas réellement à cause de ?a. Comment voulez vous que les gens vous regardent avec un ?il agréable si vous même vous ne vous aimez pas avant tout? Avant même de penser qu'on se moquera de vous, vous êtes les premières à moquer et détester votre corps et votre image. Arrêtez de pensez que l'acceptation de soi arrive automatiquement si vous auriez le corps dont vous avez toujours voulu! C'est faux. Même au pire des cas si un con vient vous dire une critique sur votre physique qu'est ce que ?a pourra bien lui foutre? Il pourra rien changer et vous non plus! Seulement vous vous pourriez lui répondre qu'au contraire de lui votre vie n'est pas misérable et vous vous préoccupez de votre bonheur en profitant d'une journée à la plage en portant le bikini qu'il vous pla?t parce que vous n'avez pas que ?a à foutre de vous préoccupez de la vie des autres! Arrêtez de vous priver, accepter que vous devez changer votre perception de vous même sinon personne ne le fera pour vous! Même pas le grand amour de votre vie. Tu es la seule à pouvoir te rendre heureuse! @forever21plus #Forever21plus

A post shared by Manon Edwards (@chicwithcurves) on Jun 10, 2017 at 12:07pm PDT

Edwards says she also wants women to wear the clothes that they want and ignore what society says looks good only on slim people.

“Do not limit yourself,” she says. “Clothing is not just about a shirt or a skirt. Clothing is a tool for showcasing your personality and who you are. Let fashion help you speak up for you.”

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