How Pluto in Aquarius Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign From 2024 to 2044

Pluto may be the smallest and most distant of all the major planets in astrology, but you should never underestimate its seismic power. That’s why understanding how Pluto in Aquarius will affect your zodiac sign is such a big deal! This tiny but mighty celestial body is responsible for some of this year’s most life-changing astrology—as it’s once again embarking on a once-in-a-lifetime transition into the sign of Aquarius. The cosmic story that begins this month will continue to unfold and evolve over the next twenty years, revealing deep truths and catalyzing massive shifts on both a personal and collective level.

Named for the Greek god of the underworld, Pluto in astrology symbolizes depth, intensity and mystery, as well as the great cycles of death and rebirth or creation and destruction. This transformational planet has the power to completely metamorphose us from caterpillars to butterflies, bringing alchemy and profound change. On the other hand, it can also be a harbinger of dark obsessions and Machiavellian power struggles.That’s the thing about Pluto—it works in extremes and draws in intensity like the eye of a storm. It represents all that’s clandestinely shrouded beneath the surface, as well as the evidence that eventually comes bubbling up above ground.

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Pluto has been transiting down-to-business Capricorn since 2008, so its initial move into airy Aquarius on March 23, 2023 marked the first sign shift for this planet in nearly 15 years. This was Pluto’s first dip into the revolutionary sign of the water bearer since the late 18th century—but in true Pluto fashion, it’ll take time to fully complete this zodiacal transition.

Thanks to Pluto’s slow orbit and annual retrograde periods, it reverted back to Capricorn on June 11, 2023, but as of Saturday, January 20, 2024, it will move forward into Aquarius once again. However, this is another temporary dip into Aquarius, as Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn on September 1. Luckily, it will return to Aquarius for good as of November 19, 2024. From there, Pluto will remain in Aquarius until 2043 and 2044—giving the planet a solid two decades to work its transformative magic in the Aquarius-ruled parts of our chart.

Pluto re-enters Aquarius on January 20 at 7:56 p.m. ET.

As the furthest planet from the sun in astrology, Pluto is often referred to as a transpersonal or generational planet—as its distant presence is thought to shape things over a longer period of time and have a more notable influence over society at large. In the forward-thinking air sign Aquarius, we’re likely to see Pluto’s transformative power alter the landscape when it comes to matters of technology, innovation and the way we envision the future. Aquarius is the sign that rules groups and community, so we can expect lots of changes and revelations within the greater collective, too. Pluto will only spend a few months of 2023 in Aquarius, but it’ll give us a taste for the energy that’s yet to come, as whatever happens during this sneak peek may foreshadow some of the shifts that lie ahead.

How Pluto in Aquarius Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

Pluto in Aquarius is ushering in a new chapter for society over the upcoming decades, but this transit has plenty of personal changes in store for each zodiac sign, too. Here’s a breakdown of how Pluto in Aquarius will affect you, based on your sun and/or rising sign. Cheers to a new era!


Pluto’s journey through Aquarius is set to totally transform your visions for the future, Aries, as well as the way you collaborate with others. As you navigate the long-term twists and turns of this transit, you’ll find yourself relating to your peers in entirely new ways—and perhaps building a new community for yourself entirely. The social groups you’re part of now will likely go through some deep transformations, as you create new connections and stronger bonds based on shared hopes and dreams. This will ultimately help you clarify your personal convictions, allowing you to imagine (and perhaps even help build) a world you never thought possible. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.


Your career and public-facing life are about to take on new levels of intensity, Taurus—so get ready to level up professionally and take total ownership of your ability to shine. Pluto will spend the next two decades transforming the part of your chart related to your image and lifelong legacy, so expect to do some deep personal excavation when it comes to honing your inner authority. What’s always held you back from standing tall in your power and taking charge of your path? It may not be an easy journey, but Pluto will set your ambitions ablaze, inspiring you to charge forward on your long-term goals with an incisive and unshakeable focus. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.


You’re open-minded by nature, Gemini. But over the next two decades, prepare for paradigm shifts of epic proportions. Pluto’s journey through Aquarius is set to totally overhaul your personal belief system, allowing you to explore entirely new realms of thought and experience. Faraway travels or higher education can bring poignant revelations over the coming years, so embrace your transformation by continually broadening your horizons and pushing past your comfort zone. You’ll be challenged to question your dogmas and rebuild your personal set of ethics. Existential quandaries and crises of faith are likely, but these mental and spiritual struggles will ultimately help you align with deeper and more authentic philosophies on life. Read your full yearly horoscope for 2024.


Pluto is catalyzing a powerful new chapter in your life, Cancer, so don’t be afraid to dive deep into your psyche and do some serious shadow work. You’re totally transforming your ability to sit with uncomfortable truths and be vulnerable about your desires, which will give your intimate relationships so much more depth. The skeletons in your closet are being swept out into the open—and by the end of this long-term transit, you’ll be looking them straight in the eye without a second thought. While dealing with the monsters under the bed isn’t easy, fearless Pluto inspires strength in you. And despite all the intensity, you’ll end up feeling so much lighter for it. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.


You’re embarking on an entirely new journey through your relationships now, Leo, so prepare to shift your expectations of yourself and others. The people around you may become a mirror to your shadow side, revealing the elements of your identity that you try to suppress or don’t want to acknowledge. Instead of running from these interpersonal reflections, use them as a catalyst to work on yourself and be more authentic in your partnerships. It’s time to leave any power-hungry love games in the past and start dismantling the control issues that are keeping you from having the deep, life-changing connections you deserve. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.


Your work and wellness routines are especially important to you, Virgo—and Pluto’s transit through Aquarius will take you on a journey toward self-transformation through these day-to-day habits. The way you’ve always structured your schedule and executed your daily tasks will begin shifting for the long-term over the coming years, so you’ll be challenged to shake yourself loose from previous practices and start creating new grooves in your life. Your productivity will make you even more powerful! That said, you may also have to let go of old habits (which die hard, as they say) and get to the root of behaviors that are holding you in an unhealthy cycle. When it’s all said and done, you’ll feel like the master of your own reality. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.


You’re being plunged into a passionate and inspired new era of your life, Libra. Creative ideas are always plentiful for Venus-ruled signs like you, but you may find that you begin taking these endeavors even more seriously over the coming years, developing a deep desire to take control over your artistic visions. The concept of a “passion project” takes on new meaning, and your zealous quest toward self-expression will be unstoppable. Pluto will also wield its mysterious magic in your love life during this time, as you’ll crave greater intensity and depth from your romantic conquests than ever before. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.


In modern astrology, Pluto is considered one of your ruling planets, Scorpio. And this new chapter of your life is bringing about some powerful and close-to-home shifts. Over the next 20 years, your domestic life is undergoing a major transformation, and your concept of “home” may look totally different than it does now. You’ll likely begin taking on a new role in your family or otherwise shift the dynamic in some way, and it’s an important time to address any underlying tensions or resentments amongst your closest kin—as they’re likely to emerge now anyway. Don’t be afraid to dig deep into your past and focus on inner-child healing. By doing this work, you’ll slowly create a more solid foundation upon which the rest of your life can build upward. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.


With Pluto on a long-term journey through your communication sector, expect to transform the way you express yourself, Sagittarius. From this point forward, you’ll find yourself seeking deeper meaning in everyday interactions and relating to the world around you in a more meaningful way. Small talk won’t cut it anymore! Pluto will encourage you to dismantle the most basic things you’ve learned about life, allowing you to rebuild your mindset from the ground up. You’re a dreamer by nature, but you’re discovering the power in simply being present. The way you speak may also take on more intensity than it had in the past, but that’s OK. Your words have power—and when you talk, trust that people will want to listen. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.


Pluto spent the past 15 years in your sign, Capricorn, so your identity has been transformed in a powerful way. But over the next two decades, you’ll find that you’re slowly reshaping your personal values and resources, too. You’re taking control of your financial life in a new way—which means it’s time to start truly dismantling any deep-rooted issues you’ve carried with you about money and self-worth. Whether it’s a scarcity-based mentality holding you down or an overly-materialistic outlook keeping you caught up, the upcoming years will encourage you to work through these hang ups and start appreciating all that you’ve got. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.


Pluto is entering your sign for the first time in your lifetime, Aquarius—so you may feel this alchemical cosmic shift more palpably than anyone else. You’re a rebel at heart, so you’re not afraid to be different and go against the grain. But Pluto’s transformational influence over the next two decades will challenge you to make peace with the fact that you can’t control what other people think of you. You’re getting in touch with your personal power source, so don’t be surprised if you drastically change your look and overall presence over the coming years accordingly. This is truly a new era for your identity, so embrace your evolution. You’ll emerge from these Plutonian ashes totally renewed. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.


Pluto’s journey over the next two decades will be a particularly introspective and subtle one for you, Pisces. But that doesn’t make it any less pivotal. Throughout this next chapter of your life, you’ll be contending with the forces of your unconscious mind—exploring your past, your shadow side, and the most far-reaching corners of your psyche. Check yourself when you’re acting on impulse to see if you can uncover a hidden motive, as you’re now learning to discern between your emotions and intuition in a more powerful way than ever before. Additionally, your dreams may take on more vivid intensity, so getting serious about a mystical practice can help you hone in on these senses. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.

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