Precious Pit Bull Therapy Dog Shows Why His Deafness Can Be a Total Advantage

Cole, the deaf therapy dog, works alongside his owner at the Dr. Mennies School in the South Jersey school district. This precious Pit Bull is deaf and in a recent social media video, this may not be the worst thing at certain times of Cole's day.

Like at school concert assemblies. Just Check out how relaxed Cole is despite all the noise.

The adorable video was shared by the TikTok account for @DeafCole and people just adore this pooch. One person said, "We adopted our deaf dog and they didn’t realize she was deaf. Her bio included: SLEEPS THROUGH ANYTHING!!!" LOL! Another added, "My dog is not deaf and still does this. She grew up 5 miles from Disney, fireworks are her lullabies."

Related: Adorable Deaf Shelter Dog Has Been Waiting Over 400 Days For a Home

Someone else added, "There’s a deaf dog at the place I work and she was just snoozing while everyone else was going crazy."

Cole is such a wonderful dog and all the kids at school just adore him. Dogs are so great for kids and provide them with stress relief, and also teach them empathy at a young age. I'm sure Cole makes all these kiddos excited to come to class every day.

About Cole The Therapy Dog

Cole's website explains that, "Cole is a deaf pit bull pup, but he’s helping the world hear with their hearts! His message is simple and profound: a disability is not an inability, it's a superpower!? Passed up by countless families at the South Jersey Regional Animal Shelter because he was deemed "broken," Cole started impacting lives with his message when he was adopted by a public school music teacher (Chris Hannah) in April of 2017. Cole amazed Chris with his keen ability to respond to sign language and seemingly endless capacity to show tenderness and love. Cole, along with Chris’ deaf nephew have taught children that it is ?ok? to be different, helped students recover courage and self-respect, and inspired acts of kindness throughout the community. Cole now works, alongside his music teacher dad, every day at Dr. Mennies School and became the inspiration for launching a unique social-emotional learning program in the South Jersey school."

If you would like to learn more about this absolutely adorable therapy dog, please visit his website here.

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