Pregnant Chrissy Teigen Wasted 8 Hours on a Flight That Was Turned Around for an Unheard of Reason

Chrissy Teigen is an expert traveler who isn’t afraid to call out any odd occurrences that happen while in transit.

But on Tuesday, the 32-year-old model and her husband John Legend found themselves in an airplane conundrum we’ve never heard of before. The married couple left Los Angeles through LAX airport thinking they were on a merry, 11-hour direct flight to Tokyo when suddenly, after four hours in the air, the plane was turned around.

“A flying first for me: 4 hours into an 11 hour flight and we are turning around because we have a passenger who isn’t supposed to be on this plane. Why…why do we all gotta go back, I do not know,” she wrote on Twitter, kicking off a series of funny tweets that explain, well, the fact that she and the airline couldn’t explain anything.

Seriously though: How does one get on the wrong plane and not realize it? And how did the passenger get through with the wrong ticket? Teigen was just as baffled—and noted that the boarding pass machines must not be as functional as we all think as she continued to relay the details of her journey from LAX to LAX:

After landing, she and Legend had to be interviewed by authorities and were placed in a holding room where, naturally, a Real Housewives of Beverly Hills episode was playing on a TV.

She even shared video updates.

The journey continued, as Teigen got her hands on some ramen, and later cuddled with Legend.

Finally, they boarded another flight.

Let’s hope they landed safe and sound this time!