Prince Harry Broke Out into Song at Hamilton and There's Video Evidence
You know how Prince Harry and Meghan Markle showed up at Hamilton yesterday, and Meghan stole the show with her sexiest and most major outfit yet? Here, allow me to refresh your memory:
Legs for days and not a pair of pantyhose in sight! Anyway, in even more important "The Royals Go to Hamilton" news, Prince Harry was so inspired by the musical that he hopped up on stage to bust out a few bars of "You'll Be Back"-a moment that was so exciting to Lin-Manuel Miranda that he started stomping his foot.
Ugh, it's like, just when you thought your passionate love for totally normal crush on Prince Harry couldn't get more acute, he goes and does something like this.
Is anyone available to make a petition for local songbird Prince Harry to join the cast of this musical? Because I am more than available to sign it.
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