Prince Harry: Christmas With Meghan and the Queen Was 'Fantastic'

He said their first official Christmas together was "fantastic."

Prince Harry said he had a “fantastic” Christmas with his fiancée, Meghan Markle, who spent time with Queen Elizabeth and the royal family over the holiday.

“It was fantastic,” the prince said of the family gathering during an interview with BBC Radio 4’s Today show Wednesday. “She really enjoyed it.”

“The family loved having her there,” he added. “There’s always that family part of Christmas [where] there’s always that work element there as well, and I think together we had an amazing time. We had great fun staying with my brother and sister-in-law and running round with the kids. Christmas was fantastic.”

Harry said that there were some family traditions that had to be explained to Meghan, but that it was to be expected.

“I think we’ve got one of the biggest families that I know of, and every family is complex as well. No look, she’s done an absolutely amazing job. She’s getting in there and it’s the family I suppose that she’s never had.”

The BBC program also included a segment in which Harry interviewed former president Barack Obama about his post-presidency life. The conversation touched upon Obama’s feelings relinquishing the office to Donald Trump, as well as his optimism for the future of young leaders. It also touched on a few light-hearted questions, such as whether Obama preferred The Good Wife or Suits when it comes to television.

"Suits, obviously," Obama told Harry, likely a reference to Markle's role on the series for seven seasons.

Harry was also asked about his wedding — and whether Obama would get an invite.

“I don’t know about that – we haven’t even put the invite or the guest list together," he said. "Who knows if he’s going to be invited or not – I wouldn’t want to ruin that surprise.”