Prince William Has a Facial Scar and It's Strangely Similar to Kate Middleton's


As we rediscovered last week, Kate Middleton has a long scar buried beneath her hairline on the left side of her face, reportedly from a mysterious “childhood operation.”

But Kate’s not the only royal with a facial scar. Her husband, Prince William, also bears a mark on the left side of his face, though his is decidedly less mysterious. So, um, the couple that has matching childhood scars together, stays together, we guess … ?

Like Kate’s, Wills’s scar is barely noticeable today, though it was much more prominent in his youth. If you look closely, you’ll see a thin line (which the royal refers to as a “Harry Potter scar”) about an inch above his left eyebrow.

Prince W. is fairly transparent about the origin of his scar. In a 2009 interview, he revealed that the accident that resulted int the scar occurred when he was 13 — under the poshest of circumstances.

"I call it [my Harry Potter scar] because it glows sometimes and some people notice it — other times they don't notice it at all," he said, explaining, "I got hit by a golf club when I was playing golf with a friend of mine. We were on a putting green and the next thing you know there was a seven-iron and it came out of nowhere and it hit me in the head."

RELATED: Kate Middleton Has a Long Scar on Her Face from a Childhood Operation

Just some casual tee-time with his seventh grade buddies …

Aww, look at Wills showing off his badge of honor during a hospital visit. (That little girl looks shook.)