PSA: People Are Receiving Text Messages Today That Were Originally Sent on Valentine’s Day

Photo credit: Karl Tapales - Getty Images
Photo credit: Karl Tapales - Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

Guys, Mercury Retrograde is coming in hot this afternoon by giving you all the feelz. Apparently, people are receiving text messages today that were originally sent on Valentine's Day of this year. Big yikes.

According to a Reddit thread posted several hours ago, this weird, texting epidemic is affecting multiple users of all phone carriers. "I'm getting strange texts from my boyfriend, but he didn't send them. I don't know how this is possible?" Reddit user U'Noijonas started the thread with. About 1o hours later, and the post has already accumulated 836 comments.

"I have an iPhone and use SMS only, no iMessage. My boyfriend also has an iPhone, but uses SMS only too. Anyway, I got three messages from his number, but it’s mundane things like: 'It's not that I don't want to go, I just have no energy' and 'I have no energy to shower even though I have to go soon.' But those texts are not appearing from his phone and he was next to me all evening..."
"Apparently, texts from Feb 14th are being resent everywhere," they add in a later update.

Umm, what—and I cannot stress this enough—the actual f*ck is happening? According to The Verge, "These people never received the text messages in the first place, and the people who sent the messages had no idea that they had never been received, nor did they attempt to resend them overnight."

Sorry, but are we in an episode of Black Mirror rn?

Twitter is kind of low-key blowing up about it, too. A few hours ago, Twitter user @Smdnyc tweeted: "In 'technology ruins everything news,' at 3 a.m. my ex's cell phone decided to resurface a text I'd sent him this past Valentine's Day when we were still together. Which led to me waking up to a 'Huh?' from him that from my perspective came out of nowhere."

Photo credit: @SMDNYC - Twitter
Photo credit: @SMDNYC - Twitter

And another example: "Well, this explains why my friend sent me 'happy valentine's day' at 2 a.m," tweeted @kataclysmicfail.

Photo credit: @KATACLYSMICFAIL - Twitter
Photo credit: @KATACLYSMICFAIL - Twitter

At this time, no major cellular carriers have appeared to address this issue. But, according to The Verge, a Sprint customer service rep said in a Tweet in response to a customer's complaint: "The message issue was identified and resolved."

Time to take a deep breath, relax, and realize that Mercury Retrograde is fully testing us all today, ya'll.

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