Pulse shooting survivor Brandon Wolf urges Fox News to fire Tucker Carlson: 'Time's up, Tucker'

Brandon Wolf is calling on the firing of Tucker Carlson. (Photo: Twitter/bjoewolf)
Brandon Wolf is calling on the firing of Tucker Carlson. (Photo: Twitter/bjoewolf)

Fox News is once again in hot water as hosts Jeanine Pirro and Tucker Carlson face criticism within the same week for making inappropriate remarks. And although the network condemned Pirro’s comments about Congresswoman Ilhan Omar made on Saturday, it seems to have fallen on people outside of the network to denounce Carlson’s harmful statements that resurfaced the following evening — including those who have been impacted by his assertions in the past.

The political commentator and host of Tucker Carlson Tonight added to the network’s woes on Sunday when Media Matters obtained and published multiple audio clips illustrating his misogynistic view on women and defense of statutory rape.

The compilation of clips come from his appearances on Bubba the Love Sponge’s show between 2006 and 2011, where Carlson defended Warren Jeffs amidst child sexual assault charges, said women are “extremely primitive” and made demeaning remarks about multiple women in particular, including calling Arianna Huffington a “pig.”

But these resurfaced interviews wouldn’t be the last time that Carlson has said something controversial. Instead, a Pulse shooting survivor and gun-control activist, Brandon Wolf, is reminding people of the time when he was “bullied” and “harassed” by the Fox host back in May.

In a tweet posted Monday morning, Wolf referred back to a Tucker Carlson Tonight show where the political commentator dedicated a segment to discussing Wolf’s appearance on Joy Reid’s show Am Joy on the day that the MSNBC host was apologizing for homophobic remarks that she made years ago. During his segment, Carlson said that Wolf’s role on the show “was to make everything OK,” and later called him a “political hack.”

“So he’s not actually a civil rights activist, he’s a political hack who will say anything to get his candidates elected,” Carlson said of Wolf, after having a discussion with conservative journalist, Chadwick Moore, about Wolf’s role as a survivor of the Pulse nightclub shooting.

The conversation sparked death threats aimed at Wolf on Twitter, which were aggregated by GLAAD. Now, Wolf recognizes that he’s “just one on a long list of the same,” after Carlson’s other comments resurfaced.

Fox News has yet to address Carlson’s comments obtained by Media Matters publicly. However, a spokesperson provided Yahoo Lifestyle with the following statement attributed to the host.

Media Matters caught me saying something naughty on a radio show more than a decade ago. Rather than express the usual ritual contrition, how about this: I’m on television every weeknight live for an hour. If you want to know what I think, you can watch. Anyone who disagrees with my views is welcome to come on and explain why.

Wolf has been joined by many in using the #FireTuckerCarlson hashtag, while at least 33 of the Fox host’s advertisers have stopped advertising on his show in recent months.

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