Randall Pearson's Denial of Therapy on 'This Is Us' Opens a Dialogue on Men's Mental Health

Photo credit: NBC
Photo credit: NBC

From Prevention

  • During yesterday's episode of This Is Us, Randall Pearson is in denial that he needs therapy, which opened up a discussion about anxiety and depression among men.

  • Sterling K. Brown, the actor who plays Randall, used it as an opportunity to open a conversation around mental health on Twitter.

  • Fans tweeted in response about their mental health issues and how counseling helped them overcome their struggles.

Just like it has embraced many other sensitive and difficult topics, This Is Us is diving head-first into the discussion of therapy. Fans have known for a while now that Randall Pearson experiences anxiety that incrementally manifests as severe panic attacks.

A season one scene depicts just how intense they can get. In Tuesday night’s episode, Randall and his wife Beth learn that their daughter Tess is going through the same thing, for which Randall immediately carries immense guilt. She has a stress-induced panic attack at school, and Beth eventually takes the initiative to find a therapist—for both of them.

“I don’t need therapy,” Randall says. “I’m good. The best I’ve been in years.” Beth counters, pointing out his hectic work schedule as a local politician, daily 10-mile runs, and constant nervous knee bouncing. “You know you don’t have to wait for it all to come crashing down to get help,” she says. She assures him that he doesn’t have to carry all of the weight of his anxieties, nor does he have to manage them alone. “We have resources now and people who are trained to deal with this kind of stuff,” she says. Still, Randall rejects her.

So why is Randall refusing help?

Sterling K. Brown, the actor who plays Randall, used the episode as an opportunity to open a real conversation among viewers. “Tess had a panic attack. It runs in the family as we all know and have seen with Randall,” he tweeted. “Let’s open up a dialogue about mental health. How do you navigate the sometimes overwhelming stressors/anxieties in your life?” The responses were incredibly insightful, and many of them shared the same experiences.

“I’m glad you showed African Americans going through mental health,”one fan wrote. “My husband and I are going through counseling now because of anxiety, depression and some other things.” Another user added, “Mistakes, therapy, support & coping tools have helped me achieve what I never thought was possible for me, but it's always a work in progress.”

Why men aren't seeking mental health treatment

Right now, we’re not sure exactly what’s holding Randall back from attending therapy, but according to the National Institute of Mental Health, research shows that men are generally less likely to receive mental health treatment than women. Earlier in the season, Beth’s mom tells Randall that when he was younger, she struggled to see his strength as a man. Comments like those and the general expectation for men to be strong, stoic leaders are likely contributing to Randall’s hesitation. Thankfully, Beth is persistent, so there’s still a chance he changes his mind. Fans are really hoping he does.

“I hope down the line Randall does consider going to therapy,” a fan tweeted, “At least to show Tess that it’s not a weakness or giving up but a real strength.”

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