Rapper Mozzy Is Secretly Really Freaking Good At Yo-Yos | Secret Talent Test | Cosmopolitan

Mozzy thought he was going to the Cheesecake Factory but surprise! He was hanging with us instead. Watch more Watch more Secret Talent Test https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Wwu21l0gHY&list=PLrx4fxhgMUOZd4DZKmhgfSdeJPIxJeoA2 Cosmo put Mozzy to the test, putting the ‘Untreated Trauma’ artist through our Secret Talent Test to find out what else he’s good at. Flossing? Beatboxing? Drawing his Rolex? Love Cosmo? Then come join our ~ elite ~ members-only crew. Sign up for Cosmo Unlocked: cosmopolitan.com/joinus ??