Rebel Wilson's health journey: How she became 'Fit Amy'

For Rebel Wilson, 2020 is the “Year of Health.” With this intention set in January, the actress kicked off her journey to live better by making smarter food and exercise choices. Throughout the process, she’s been super transparent on social media about her goals, and on Sunday shared that she’s celebrating a new milestone: being about seven pounds away from her goal weight.

So how did she do it?

According to People, it all started in June of last year when she visited Austria's luxury medical detox and wellness center, VivaMayr, and experienced “life-changing results” in just two weeks. “I feel like you can clearly see the difference,” the Pitch Perfect star said after losing 14.5 pounds.

Utilizing what she learned from VivaMayr, Wilson has been following the Mayr Method, an eating plan that aims to improve digestion through alkaline foods, mindful eating and regular fasting, according to their website.

Wilson has also prioritized making substitutions, instead of sacrifices “When I was reaching for the candies last night after dinner I thought to myself “hmmmm...better not” and had a bottle of water instead,” she wrote, adding that she doesn’t deprive herself and still splurges. “Remember though girls, you still gotta treat yourself (I just do it with food now only once or twice a week...and substitute bubble baths on alternate nights).”

Wilson is pairing making more informed food choices with increased exercise. She has been working out seven days a week with celebrity fitness trainer Jono Castana doing a variety of high-intensity workouts. (It should be noted that working out every day is OK to do, but balance and recovery are important. Listen to your body and take breaks and days off.) The star has also taken up new hobbies like surfing and hiking as ways to get her heart pumping outside of the gym.

While Wilson’s social media posts make her sweat sessions look effortless, in one of her earlier Instagram updates, now deleted, she said that it hasn’t been all fun and games, but she’s pushing through. "Even if you have to crawl towards your goals, keep going x it will be worth it. Try and give a little bit of effort each day...I know some days are frustrating as hell, you feel like giving up, you get annoyed at the lack of progress...but good things are coming your way, what are your goals this year?"

As to why she decided to make a lifestyle change, one of Wilson’s close friends spoke to People back in June and said that it’s not about changing how she looks. "Her healthy journey is more about how it makes her feel than the physical benefits," the source claimed. "She has more energy and more confidence, which you can see from her sexier Instagram shots. She's also having fun with new fashion and beauty looks."

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Just call me: Fit Amy

A post shared by Rebel Wilson (@rebelwilson) on Oct 4, 2020 at 8:38pm PDT

Well, we can all certainly take notes from Wilson on how to make the best of 2020. Or, as she would now like to be called, “Fit Amy.” Yes, Fit Amy, Yes!

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