Reese Witherspoon Had a Total Fan Girl Moment When She Met K Middy in 2011

Stars, they're just like us—aka, even the one, the only Reese Witherspoon wasn't immune to the royal charm of Kate Middleton when she met the duchess at a charity event back in 2011, as revealed in her brand-new entertaining-focused book Whiskey in a Teacup

Yep, Reese dedicates a full page in the coffee-table tome to the moment she “fell under [Kate Middleton's] spell.” 

The details: Kate was in town for a luncheon to benefit hubby Prince William's Tusk Trust wildlife charity and Reese, who admits she was always relatively immune to the world's obsession with the royals, found herself the lucky recipient of an invite. “I don't even know how I got so lucky as to receive an invitation,” she writes. “The scream that issued from my lips upon receiving it—you would have thought I was going to die.”

Reese goes on to explain how she prepped: She was up at 4 a.m. doing her hair (“that's early, even for me,” she adds) and was out the door by 7 a.m. She even asked her hubby, Jim Toth, to snap a pic or two of her in the car en route. “You can see rays of happiness shooting out of my face. I love Kate Middleton that much.”

But how was the duchess IRL? Reese spills on that, too. “She was just lovely and warm, elegant and composed...She's just as magnificent as she seems to be.” In fact, Reese even proclaims Kate to be an honorary Southern icon as she values family and is always doing good for others, exactly like other Southern gals.

Full disclosure: Reese, we're jealous. We're also glad to know we're not the only ones who are royally obsessed.

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