Report: Prince Harry reportedly quit smoking for Meghan Markle

Report: Prince Harry reportedly quit smoking for Meghan Markle

A new report reveals that newly engaged Prince Harry has quit smoking for fiancée Meghan Markle.

"Harry has promised no smoking at all at home. It’s not nice for Meghan as a non-smoker. So there’s no more hanging out of the window for a quick puff. Harry has quit for Meghan," explained a friend to the Daily Mail.

Although smoking is banned from royal residences, including Harry and Meghan's future home at Nottingham Cottage in Kensington Palace, the 33-year-old prince has been known to smoke cigarettes after a few drinks. He reportedly took up the habit while a student at Eton.

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Harry spoke about his days as a student to a Cape Town Youth Center back in 2015, "I didn't enjoy school at all. I would like to have come to a place like this. When I was at school I wanted to be the bad boy.” When he got older, the prince frequently made headlines for his partying lifestyle and could "easily get through a packet of Marlborough Lights a day."

However, Meghan is an avid proponent of healthy eating and exercise. "Running has always been my form of moving meditation," the actress once said. Since announcing their engagement, both Meghan and Harry have been spotted around various London gyms in preparation for their upcoming May nuptials.

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