Riley expressing creativity, spreading love through cake pops

Zaneta Riley, 43, always knew she had an “entrepreneurial spirit”, but she couldn’t decide on a product or service that she wanted to bring to the community.

“I’ve always been creative and crafty,” she said. “I’d been taught how to sew, so I’d make pillows and drapes, but I never thought those were something I’d sell.”

Riley, who graduated from Brescia University in 2012 with a business degree, wanted to way to step outside her normal nine-to-five, so that she could “express her creativity” and meet more people.

“I’m a bit of an introvert,” she confessed. “And it doesn’t help that I work from home, so I don’t get a chance to engage with other adults too often.”

After playing around with a few ideas, Riley decided to dive into the world of baking, specifically cake pops. And that’s when she decided to turn making cake pops into a business, Cop-A-Pop Cake Popz. Riley said she spelled Popz with a “Z” because “my first name is Zaneta.

“I decided on cake pops because they seem to be the perfect size for a special treat. They’re super popular right now, especially with kids, and adults don’t have to commit to eating an entire cake or cupcake,” she explained.

“I’ve had people watching their sugar intake tell me that a cake pop is just enough for them to feel like they are being treated to sweets.”

Riley operates Cop-A-Pop Cake Popz right out of her home, and she doesn’t plan on changing that anytime soon.

“I enjoy working out of my home,” she said. “I like that I can work my regular nine-to-five and then make the cake pops in my free time when I’m able.”

Riley provides customers with custom designs and flavors based on individual orders, but that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have her favorites.

“I love making strawberry and German chocolate the best,” she said.

She said that making the German chocolate cake pops is more work than some, but the flavor combination is “just perfect” for a cake pop.

The mom of two almost-grown kids said that the business helps to give her something else to do now that she’s about to have an “empty nest.”

“I’ve been a busy, working mom for years, so it’s nice that’s things around the house are slowing down, but I felt I needed to fill some of that time with something productive,” Riley explained.

And, so far, she says, business has been great.

In addition to making custom orders, Riley has also been setting up at festivals and events in the area to sell the cake pops.

“A couple weekends ago, I was at the Juneteenth event at English Park,” she said. “I love getting out there and chatting with people and offering up my delicious products to those attending.”

Riley says that she’d love to travel more and set up at events outside of the Owensboro area.

“I think it would be nice to further get my name out there and to see more places,” she said.

Riley said that her ultimate mission is just to “spread love, light and happiness” through her products.

“It’s amazing what a small treat can do to brighten someone’s day,” she said. “I enjoy making a batch of cake pops to take to the fire station or police station, just to show those guys that what they do is important and that they are appreciated.”

The best way to contact Riley for an order is through the business’s Facebook or Instagram pages, both named Cop-A-Pop Cake Popz.