Rob Gronkowski Has One Suggestion For Tom Brady’s Underwear Selfie

Gronk would've photo-directed the thirst trap a little differently.

Rob Gronkowski has some feedback for his former teammate's thirst trap stylings.

Tom Brady caused an internet-wide meltdown when he posted a bedside selfie wearing nothing but a nude pair of underwear, but he opened himself up for a little constructive criticism when he tagged Gronk, as well as Julian Edelman, asking, "Did I do it right?"

The former tight end stepped up to the plate, offering a bit of advice for the new retiree (yes, again) when he spoke to Entertainment Tonight at Fox’s Sports Day.

"I don't think he did it right... his hand is not in the right place," Gronk noted, referring to Brady's hand placement over his crotch. "He's covering up a little bit. You're not supposed to be covering up! That's what's supposed to be showing."

He laughed, adding, "You gotta show the package, Tom."

Gronk spoke with additional reporters, admitting he was "a little shocked" when he first saw the photo. "Everything looks good, beside his hand placement."

He went on to say, "It's uncharacteristic of him, for sure. But that's what we love about Tom. When he throws a curveball, it's always for the fun and it's always great to see him doing that."

The photo appears to have been the follow-through on a promise to recreate advertising photos from his apparel brand, so chances are we may see more in the future, perhaps with Gronk's photo direction taken into consideration.