A Robotic Pillow Exists and It Will Making Falling Asleep So Much Easier

Photo credit: Somnox
Photo credit: Somnox

From House Beautiful

It's fair to say we're in a time when technology is upending pretty much every aspect of our lives. I mean, we live in a time where cars can drive themselves and faucets can turn on with the use of your voice. Now, you can add pillows to the list of things smart technology is improving.

That's right—the Somnox Sleep Robot has been designed with breathing mechanics that will allow people to fall asleep faster and stress-free. How? Well, the pillow includes" a CO2 sensor to sense breathing, an accelerometer to detect movement and an intelligent algorithm to soothe the user to sleep," according to a press release.

Photo credit:                                    Somnox
Photo credit: Somnox

The pillow is the result of research that indicates that the way we breathe has a lot to with how we comfortably sleep. But, Sommox didn't stop with breath; to ensure optimal relaxing slumber, you can listen to calming sounds, lullabies, white noise, and even guided meditations from the pillow when you add the corresponding app to your smartphone.

With so many devices out there that track your sleep, Somnox wanted to be the first to actually help people go to sleep. "We need to create a sleep ecosystem; including data streams, hardware and services. With Somnox we aim to collaborate with forward parties toward this ecosystem and help everyone sleep better," says cofounder Julia Jagtenberg.

One reviewer raved about the pillow saying, "Thanks to its calm breathing (which I got to set to my own preference), and to wonderfully relaxing music, I was in Dreamland in a matter of minutes every single night."

The pillow is a bit of an investment at $600, but that includes free shipping and a 30-day trial. Plus, can you really put a price on the perfect night's sleep? Sweet dreams!

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