Rolling In It, review: Oti Mabuse and Martin Kemp spice up this humdrum game show

Stephen Mulhern hosts Rolling In It - Tom Dymond/ITV
Stephen Mulhern hosts Rolling In It - Tom Dymond/ITV

My predictions for the longevity of TV shows are not foolproof. The first time I saw Tipping Point, ITV’s daytime series based on the coin-pusher arcade game, I thought it couldn’t possibly last. Surely, viewers deserved better than this. Nearly 10 years later, it’s still on. What do I know?

Rolling In It (ITV) is also a supersized seaside arcade game: contestants have to roll a giant coin down a conveyor belt and hope that it lands in a slot marked with prize money, rather than one that will bankrupt them or halve their winnings. If they successfully answer a quiz question, they get the cash.

This is the second series, meaning that it got decent viewing figures the first time around. It has been sandwiched into the schedule between The Chase Celebrity Special and The Void, which makes for a night of diminishing returns. But Rolling In It has a couple of things going for it. There is a decent twist, which is that landing a coin in a ‘steal’ slot allows contestants to pinch the prize money from their rivals.

It also pairs members of the public with celebrities, which adds a little pizzazz. Peter the postman got Sarah Millican, the chirpy comedian. Joel the nurse was blessed with sunny Strictly dancer Oti Mabuse. And Jordan the Tesco manager hit the jackpot with Martin Kemp, the world’s most handsome former pop star. “What is it about Martin that you like so much?” asked the host, Stephen Mulhern. “I just fancy him, don’t I?” yelped Jordan, who was competing in the hope of winning money to put towards her wedding to someone who wasn’t Martin. (Jordan, I understand. I was once introduced to Martin Kemp at a Spandau Ballet concert and lost all powers of speech.)

Mulhern is a presenter with absolutely no edge - he started out on kids’ TV and still has that air - but he’s a safe pair of hands. As game shows go, it is undemanding and unmemorable, but buoyed along on a sea of jolliness. Jordan won £25,000 for her dream wedding, and was hugged by Martin Kemp, and I’m not sure which delighted her more.